Chapter Twenty

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Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: Back to the Past

Chapter Twenty: Those Are Our Ice Sculptures!
Josh Nichols POV

    Before we knew it, Zack, Cody, Mom, Walter, Megan, Drake, Mrs. and Mrs. Russo, Justin, Alex, Max Russo, Spencer, Freddie, Gibby, Carly, Tori, Jade, Beck, Andre, Robbie, Rex, Nona, Goomer, Melanie, Sam, Cat, Dice, Mr. Preston, Ms. Hathaway, Taylor, Miles, Frankie, Louie, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman, Dr. Colosso, Phoebe, Max Thunderman, Billy, Nora, Captain Man, Henry, Charlotte, Jasper, Piper, and I were standing in front of Bots again. All of our eyes drifted towards the field to see the bushes that we hid the past frozen versions of our enemies behind.

    "C'mon, everybody!" Charlotte exclaimed as she started to sprint towards the bushes and motioned towards us for her to follow her, "We don't have much time."

    With that being said, the rest of us followed Charlotte's orders and followed her into the field and towards the huge, green bushes. As soon as we had reached them, we peered over the bushes. Thankfully, our frozen enemies were still lying there as we had left them before.

    "Oh, thank god that no one touched them!" I sighed out of relief.

    "Yeah, and can you imagine what would have happened of the effects of my freeze breath would have worn off?" Max Thunderman asked.

    "Touched what?" A young male voice said, "And what's freeze breath?"

    We all turned around to see that a young boy with light-blond hair and light-blue eyes was standing right behind us. The boy looked as if he could be no older than six-years-old.

    "Touched our..... Errrrr..... Uhhh...Ummm-" I began to say, trying to think of a good cover up, but obviously not having one.

    "Hey, what are those?" The little boy asked as he pointed towards our frozen enemies.

    "Those are our ice sculptures!" Nora lied.

    "What are they doing on the ground? And hey, are they what you're glad that no one touched?"

    "Yes, they are," Frankie answered, "And they're only on the ground because you see, we were walking to the Los Angeles Ice Sculpture Convention since we couldn't fit them in our car and accidentally dropped them here and didn't realize it until we got to the convention, so we had to walk AAAALLLL the way back here to get them!"

    "Oh ok, that makes sense! And, you never told me what freeze breath is."

    "Freeze breath is the type of ice that we used to make the sculptures," Max Thunderman lied, "When I said, 'can you imagine what would have happened of the effects of my freeze breath would have worn off?', I was basically saying, 'can you imagined what would have happened if our ice sculptures melted?' I only said it that way to make myself sound cooler."

    "Oh, ok! Hey, can I go to the Los Angeles Ice Sculpture Convention with you guys? I don't wanna be here anymore. This park is boring! There's no playground here!"

    "Umm, I don't think that whoever-is-here-with-you is going to like it if you go off with a bunch of random strangers that don't even know you," Freddie stated.

    "My names is Chris! See, now you know me!"

    "Well, Chris, I don't think that whoever-is-here-with-you would appreciate it if you went with us without telling us, especially if you just met us today," Tori stated.

    "I'm here with my mommy and daddy! I'll go ask them if I can go with you! I'm sure they'll say, 'yes' since they love me! I'll be right back!"
    With that being said the little boy, who I now we all knew as Chris, sprinted off to go find his parents and ask them if he could go to the 'Los Angeles Ice Sculpture Convention' with us.

Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: Back To the PastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora