Chapter Six

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Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thumdermans: Back to the Past

Chapter Six: What Are You Doing Here?
Freddie Benson POV

"Knock, knock, knock!" I sat straight up in my bed. I glanced over at the digital clock that was sitting on top of the wooden nightstand that was to the right of my bed. It was now 5:10 in the morning here in Seattle and somebody was at the door. I immediately sprang out of bed, dashed out of my bedroom, ran down the wooden stairs, raced into the living room, and towards the door. I mean, if somebody is knocking on my door this early, it must be about something important, right? I swung the brown door open. Standing right in front of me, were my friends, Max Russo, Alex, Justin, Mr. and Mrs. Russo, Carly, Frankie, Taylor, Ms. Hathaway, Nora, Billy, Max Thunderman, Phoebe, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman, Piper, Charlotte, Jasper, Henry, and Captain Man. There was also a boy, an even older boy, and a man. I assumed that the man was Mr. Preston, the younger boy was Louie, and that they older boy was Miles.

"Max Russo, Alex, Justin, Mr. and Mrs. Russo, Carly, Louie, Frankie, Miles, Taylor, Ms. Hathaway, Mr. Preston, Nora, Billy, Max Thunderman, Phoebe, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman, Piper, Charlotte, Jasper, Henry, and Captain Man?" I asked, confused, "What are you doing here? It's been months since I've seen you all!"

"Oh, thank goodness!" Carly sighed as she gave me a huge hug, "You remember!"

I gave Carly a confused look. "Remember what?"

"Remember us. You remember what really happened!"

"What are you talking about? Why wouldn't I remember?"

Before anybody could answer me, we heard footsteps. We all turned around to see my mom walk into the room with her pink, polka-dot pajamas on.

"Freddie, who are all of these people?" Mom asked me in a stern tone.

"Hi, Mrs. Benson!" Carly greeted my mom as she waved at her.

"Hi, Carly," Mom replied as she gave her a small wave back, "Who's your friends?"

Before any of us could answer, we heard someone shout, "Now, what is going on in here?"

We all turned around to see T-Bo storming into the living room with his dark-blue onesie on.

"It's a little after 5:00 in the morning and I am trying to get some sleep before I have to go back to the Groovy Smoothie!"

"Sorry to disrupt your slumber, sir," Max Thunderman apologized, lowering his head in shame.

"Why is Max using big words like that?" I thought to myself, "And why is he actually being polite?"

All of the sudden, the front door to the apartment across the hall from Mom, T-Bo's, and mine swung right open. Standing right in front of us, was Spencer who was wearing his green and yellow pajamas and his pink bunny slippers.

"Spencer!" Carly cried as she ran over to her older half-brother and clung onto him, "Please tell me that you remember!"

"Remember what, Carly?" Spencer asked, sounding just as confused as I was.

Spencer craned his neck so he could see the rest of us, then pointed at us. "Hey, who are they?"

"Great!" Miles mumbled sarcastically, "All we need is another person who forgets!"

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, still confused, "Forgets what?"

Phoebe then turned towards me, put both of her hands on my shoulders, and looked me right in my eyes. "Freddie, where's Gibby?"

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