GAME 2: His Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Whatever son, I can't tell the public the real reason. Now then, let me say this to you. That gear of yours is quite special. Uncle Zaho specifically made this just for you."

"Really?! This gear of mine should be really amazing. What did he put in here?" when I look at dad, I became confused because of his expression.

"Actually, I don't know." He said with a lonely voice. "You know, He passed away after he finished completing the game. He just left a letter for me. That bastard left me with a lot of things to take care of. Especially those last messages that made me worried." He sighed. I'm really sad too. Uncle Zaho is my dad's best friend and this game has always been their dream when they were young. Finally they achieved creating the game and yet he died. Uncle Zaho is really kind to me that sometimes he will come visit me more than dad and talk a lot of fantasy and adventure stories. I really liked it. But I won't show my sadness in front of dad because he will just be more worried.

"What messages?"

"Well, you see. The company can't control and even edit the game. We don't know anything about it because Zaho is the one who is in charge of it and I am in charge in marketing. I don't have too much knowledge like he does. After investigating the game, we can only open privacy game videos of the game. We can't alter anything. The game will move as something that has its own will. It really is troublesome and the message he left made me very worried. He said that there is more than something you least expected in this game. This is a game of luck and tragedies."

The words my father conveyed made me shivered a little. This is scary but I shrugged out my thoughts. No, Uncle Zaho would never create something so evil. He always told happy stories.

"Dad, don't worry too much. He must have also said that" I coughed and said "Luck and a tragedy contradicts each other but it lead to balance and happiness, so don't worry too much, my buddy. GoodLuck" I tried mimicking Uncle Zaho's voice "Am I wrong?"

My dad stared at me and so do I then we both laughed out loud.

The sounds of our laughter stop when his phone rings. He picked it up and I already know what it is. He needs to leave now. I am so upset inside but I didn't show it.


"It's okay dad, you should go." I smiled at him encouraging him that I am really fine. He also smiled at me.

"Then see you again next time. Tomorrow is the launching but don't stay too late in the game and look after your body."

"I know, I know. Just go!" He left the room. The room is filled with silence again.

I open the black box. The first thing I saw is the letter in which it is put at the center. I picked it up and look at the back of the letter. The words written were 'To Ether Savier Nightray'

I read the inside of the letter.

Dear Ether,

You know I don't like to write things like this. It is not my style at all so I will just say a few words. I know you suffered so much at a young age but don't worry you are still a handsome grown up kid. I know that you enjoyed my stories, well because they are really wonderfully made up by a genius like me.. Hohoh.

I chuckle while reading the letter. Uncle Zaho is still a funny guy.

I already know that I can't stay longer so as a replacement of my wonderful stories I specially made this just for you. There are a lot of interesting things that will happen inside the game. You don't need to listen anymore because you will get to experience it in your own. What I had made just for you in this game is a secret. Sort it out on your own kid. I know you're smart. I guess that's all. Enjoy to your heart's content.

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