"Yes sir, is there anything in particular you would like?"

"Surprise me" I add.

Pushing myself of the counter and grabbing the bottle of wine I leave the kitchen and head towards Miss Jones's room to collect my suit.

The walk was short and I was now know banging at the door with my wine bottle.

"Mr Stone!" Her voice was surprised but I could sense the fear.

"My suit" i ask

"Oh yes" she rushes back into her room.

It had taken longer then I was willing to wait, so I pushed my way into the room.

"What are you doing in?"

"You were taking too long"

She continues to scurry around the room.

I clear my throat and point towards the cabinet which has my suit hanging from it.

She walks towards me holding my belongings. I take it from her grip and toss is over my shoulder.

"Why so jumpy" I ask

"No reason, just feeling a lot of pressure you know with the arrival of our guests. Your mothers given me a mile long list of things to do and i only have an hour and a half."

"That's a very valid reason Miss Jones.... But I don't believe you" I move closer and she backs up.

"You know of the prophecy?" I question

"Y-yeah... Just small details" she stutters back.

"Then you know we're in a lot of danger....including Rogue"

She nods her head at a rapid speed.

"Nicole, Tasha and yourself were the last people to see Rogue. There's no doubt in my mind that one of you know where she is."

"N-n-no sir" she defends.

"Im not a fool and I know a liar when I see one, if I find out that you've been hiding her from me...I'll hurt you" I warn.

I turn on my heel and gently shut the door behind me.

When I reach my quarters, there were people everywhere. Broken objects were being carried out whilst new furniture was being carried back in.

Stepping inside there were men moving around in vamp speed, painting, building, cleaning.

"Ivan!" Colt called out

"My mum wasn't joking about redecorating"

"Nope, things are going quicker then expected. We should be done within the next thirty minutes. The kitchen and the living room is going to be different shades of grey with some white, your bathroom is gold and your rooms going to be black.....just like your soul" Colt jokes.

"HA HA" i bluntly reply

"Rogues room hasn't been touched so doesn't worry. We apologise for the dull colours but we are a group of manly vampires, home decor isn't really in my forte and your mum wasn't exactly the best with directions"

"Don't sweat it, as long as it's not pink I don't care what the fuck you do with this place"

"What's with the bottle of wine, feeling the pressure already"

"No I needed something to wash down the blood pouch I just had"

"So you chose a bottle of wine?" He questions with a smile on his face.

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