Ugh, and he just joined the drama club as well. A day before we went to this horrific theme park, he came running home with a massive smile covering his face. When we asked what had happened, he told us that he had finally joined the drama club and was meant to be going there every single day after school. I was so happy for him. Me and Scott both were. Now that he was like this though...That probably wasn't going to happen. He was probably going to just have to sit in the corner and watch everybody else perform. He wasn't going to be able to move around for at least another few years. If only I could rewind back to that day, stop him going onto the ride, and just stay with him for the entire day. I didn't really like roller-coasters to be honest. I wasn't scared of them, but they felt like an uncomfortable car ride to be honest. Sighing, I pressed down onto the remote button that lifted the back of the bed up. After a few seconds of rather loud, mechanical noises, he was sitting upright. The uncomfortable look in his eyes was...was replaced by sadness. Then again I couldn't blame him. If I knew that I wouldn't be able to do something I loved, for him it was drama, then I would be upset. Not only that, but he was going to have to have that tube in him for the rest of this life, as well as have to be treated like a baby or a toddler as his elbows were broken and he couldn't move his arms that much. He was meant to have his casts put on tomorrow. From the pictures of the casts that I had seen, it didn't look that good. His elbows were going to be sticking out behind him...Gee, it wasn't going to be fun. 

I started to quietly cry. I couldn't do this on my own. I couldn't look after Mitch without Scott. I wanted him to be alive so badly. I wanted to bring him back from the dead. It was all my fault that he died. After he got his body checked to see what the cause of death was, I had two weeks to plan out his funeral. I never thought that I would have to do something like this. I never thought that I would ever have to plan his...his funeral. I never thought that it would be the first thing that I planned...I always thought that we would get married first. Not die first. I hated myself so much. I wanted to die along with Scott. Knowing me, I would do more harm than good to Mitch. I would hurt him more than I would protect him. The only thing that did stop me from grabbing some pills from a supply closet or going home and jumping off the roof of the apartment building was the fact that, if I did do those things and succeeded in doing them, the only place Mitch would go is straight back to that abusive Orphanage. And now that he has all of these disabilities...He would literally be left for dead. They would probably put him, while he was in his wheelchair, into this stupid 'ice closet', lock the door, and wait until he died a slow and painful death. I couldn't let that happen to him. I couldn't let him be hurt in that way. Sure, I would mess up while looking after him. After all, I wasn't a professional care taker, yet I could at least try to help him.

"Rio..." I looked towards the door, where the sound was coming from. It...It was Enis...and his little brother, Nug. I heard the beeping on Mitch's heart monitor start to go up. I quickly said that these two were family friends to him before inviting both of them in. Enis sat down my the chair nearest the door while Nug sat in the opposite corner to me, doodling something in his book. "Rio...I'm so sorry about what happened to Scott." I was about to reply when Mitch sounded like he flinched. Crap...That was something that I hadn't told him yet. I dared to turn around to face him. He was staring at me, tears streaming down the sides of his face, while his body shook. This was why I didn't tell him what had happened to Scott. It would be too much for him to handle. He already got told today that he might not be able to do much ever again, and that made him cry. I dreaded the reaction that he was about to have. "Did you not tell him what happened?"I stood up while shaking my head, ran over to him, and flung my arms around his neck, making sure not to touch his ventilator tube.

"I-Is my d-d-d-dad d-dead? What killed him? H-How did he die? What...?" His voice became hoarse. "Is he dead, Rio? Is he? What killed him? Rio?" I pulled away, ran my fingers through his hair, and shook my head. 

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