Randomness Chapter For My Fabulous Readers

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Title says it all.
Picture: Just look at it. A screenshot tho

Watch everyone comment 17 ;-;

For xPaintx~
Realization 1:

I was shocked when I found out that Vivaldi was Blood's older sister, and that's made me like Blood even less.

Realization 2:

Me: *reads Alice in the Country of Joker volume No. 2*

...wait dat be Blood. ;-;

*Never realized how hot Blood was as a kid. He looks a lot like Saske(?) in the first episode of Naruto. Except cuter. And with a bow tie.

Something to think about:
If Vivaldi and Blood are related, that means Vivaldi's last name is Dupre.

For RolePlayingQueen~


Me: *looks at paper with question and rethinks*
...Okay readers
...I decided...
...Blood's theme song is Shut Up and Sleep With Me*.
...no no no what the heck Elise

*actual song. Don't look it up, it's terrible.

For 13thRole_Time_CMA~
Short Interview with Time, the Clockmaker's Assistant:

Me: So okay I have a question for Time
It's really random so beware
Time: Fire Away
Me: what if Julius came in the room yelling "I love ducks"?
Time: ...
...I would slap him and ask him what's wrong with him
Me: Ace got him drunk again :)
Time: -.- *shakes head* Oh, Ace. Binge drinking again?
Julius: DUCKS

for Elleira_Siren~
13th Role Theater Presents: "Getting Nightmare to the Hospital"

Me: Hi
Elleira_Siren: So today we are going to achieve the impossible
Me: The impossible
Elleira_Siren: And get Nightmare to the hospital *bored*
Me: Aww snap *no enthusiasm whatsoever*
Elleira_Siren: ...
Nightmare: Hey
Me: Hai
Nightmare: okay so- WHAAAAGH!

Elleira_Siren: *Ties Nightmare down on stretcher* You-Are-Coming-To-The-Hospital!

Nightmare: *anime tears* NUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Me: *pushes stretcher into ambulance* 

Elleira_Siren: Okay well that's taken care of *pats hands off*

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