Chapter 5: I Don't Care for Your Fairytales Part 2

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~This Chapter is dedicated to those Ghost Readers that I know are reading this story~
Song: Love Song by Sara Bareilles(told you I was a fan XP)
Picture: Blood's room, notice the Office, Living Room, Library, and Bedroom all in one.

So I woke up at 6 today and came downstairs, and there was no one up. I was just like YEAH ROOF PARTY

But dere b no 1 2 roof party wif.
The end.

Blood looked up, seemingly ticked. "That?"

"Yes, that." Elise repeated impatiently. "Zora found it here, and somehow it ended up in the Amusement Park, even in a place I would find it in."

Elise handed Blood the book, and he opened it to the first page, skimming the next five or so pages. "It's a diary." When he spoke again, Blood's voice had lost it's unperturbed calm and now sounded somewhat choked up.

"I know." Elise folded her hands in her lap. "I read it all."

There was one question that was imprinted in the back of her mind. The Hatter, Alice had said, also had a copy, and it was a girl. Then after that there was no talk of 'her.' who is, or was, this girl?

"I've read it as well." Blood looked nervous for some reason, which was a trait very unlike the easy-going, mature Mafia Boss, the one that pretended that he wasn't working at all when he shouldered most of the work.

...yeah, can I have that one back, please?

"So you..." Suddenly a huge wave of sleepiness pressed Elise's eyes shut as if someone had yanked them. She yawned and sighed, not remembering what she was going to say. And the couch was really comfortable...

'~Sorry~... ~Not~!'

Right there, before she could get the rest of her words out, Elise collapsed on the plush red couch and fell asleep.


Elise woke up in the room she reconized was her own from when she had stayed here. A maid was dusting the lamp on the table.

"Oh, you're awake~." the maid smiled and shifted the lamp an inch to the right, then move it back.

"What're you cleaning for?" Elise asked curiously.

"The Rose Ball~."

"...the rose ball?" Elise remembered that from something from her world. "Wait... The Rose Bowl!"

"...?" The maid cocked her head slightly and gave me the blankest stare she could achieve without eyes to stare with. "The Rose Ball is hosted here~."

"I thought the ball was at the castle."

"Oh, well the one for the role-holders is, but this one is strictly for members of the Hatter Family and acquaintances~." The maid explained. "It's a few time periods after the ball at Heart Castle~."

"Oh. Okay." Elise slipped out of the bed. "Um... Should I go to Blood's room? Or home, or something." She remembered slapping Boris and realized that going back to the Amusement Park wasn't the best option right now.

"The Boss is in his room if you'd like to see him now~."

"Thanks~." Elise tried to match her misty tone, but it didn't work that well. The maid smiled with a snort and continued over-dusting the lamp.

Elise walked down the hall, taking several wrong turns and finally getting to Blood's room. She knocked. "Um... I'm awake now." Elise said nervously. "Sorry, I didn't realize how... Tired I was."

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