Chapter 4: "Happy Llama Sad Llama-"

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A/N: Another short chapter :( sorry guys...
~Still Elise's POV~

We sat down at a table set for many. While Blood's back was turned Zora grabbed a whole bunch of the shortbread cookies and stuffed them in her jean jacket. I made a face at her before politely accepting tea from a pretty maid with yellow-blonde hair and roses tucked in. She was a faceless, like most maids, someone beloved to be completely replaceable. No one would care if she died.

The tea was to my taste, but very hot. I blew on it a little and tried not to be so shaky when I picked up my teacup. Zora seemed to bear with the tea, taking little sips, and Kayla just ate the cookies(A/N: you're going to get fat, xPaintx! Jkjkjk I love you you're fine) while humming a disturbingly familiar melody. "Happy llama, sad llama-"

"Please, Kayla, not now..." She knew she was irritating me. Suddenly Elliot reappeared, coming over and I shook even more. I tried to take a sip of tea, only to drop the teacup and spill tea all over my shirt and shorts. The cup was broken on the ground. "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

Blood shook his head, waving an airy hand. "Oh, don't worry about it, one second..." He clapped once, and a maid returned. "Would you please get this young lady a change of clothes?"

"Sure, Boss~!"

I slowly got up, shooting Kayla and Zora(mostly Kayla) a warning look before I took my eyes off them and followed the maid.

She lead me into a guest room, where she handed me a white dress not unlike the Hatter maid's uniform, except it was missing the symbols, leaving it a plain white. "I'm sorry~." the maid said sadly. "I'm afraid this is all we have~."

"It's fine. Thank you!" I wasn't really a
dress person, but this was fine. My clothes were now cold and wet, and I just wanted to change.

The dress fit wonderfully(how they knew my size was a bit suspicious...) and so I finger-combed my slightly disheveled hair and opened the door. The maid was waiting outside for me.

"Fits really go-well, I mean. And it's very comfortable. Thank you."

The maid smiled brightly. "Thank the Boss, not me~!"

The maids and servants in Hatter Mansion seemed to carry a air of boredom and lenience. They seemed to never be in any hurry, and their way of speaking seemed to be very far away, but not in a superior way. It's almost a drawl.
The maid lead me back outside and the hint of a grin appeared on everyone's face as soon as I sat down.

"That's to your taste. It's very cute, Young Lady." Blood said, and Elliot nodded(he still hadn't left Blood...). Kayla started to laugh.

"Um... Yeah." I replied, not sure what he was talking about. Kayla laughed harder. "So, um..."

"Where do you get these cookies?" Kayla asked severely, holding one of the shortbread cookies up.

"Oh, the maids make them in the kitchen." Blood replied, surprised.

"I'm staying here." Kayla announced. I shot her a look that said, "Kayla! This is Blood Dupre we're talking about!"

Blood laughed. Zora seemed uncomfortable, and she had been chewing her lip from the gates. I did not want to stay here, not under any circumstances.

But, unfortunately, favor was on Kayla's side. Blood offered us a place to stay in his mansion, and Kayla accepted immediately. Zora grudgingly agreed... To not look boring, I(taking deep breaths and closing my trembling hands into fists) quietly agreed. There was no way I could get out of this.

We were staying with Blood Dupre... ...In a mansion full of mobsters...

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