Joe's Bar

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Owen entered to this hospital as Cristina came to him "hey, we haven't finished out talk, you just went off with Amelia" Owen looked thoughtful "yeah, never mind" Cristina looked confused "are you sure that you didn't want to say anything, because it looked important" Owen's pager went on as he said "yeah,I'm sure. Can you come to the ER, trauma is coming in?" He finished his things and started walking faster "yeah sure" Cristina said and walked after him to the ER.

Owen went of the scrubs room after a long surgery. April came to him "hey, so the ER board is uploaded, all the patient that came in are in the rooms" she said perky as always. "Great job" Owen answered shortly but before he could leave she stopped him "Yang told me to let you know that she is looking after you" "where is she?".
April thought for a few seconds and said "I think that at Joe's" she said, "thank you" he said and left to Joe's.

Just before he entered to Joe's he texted to Amelia 'I'll get home late, we will reschedule our talk to later'.

When he entered he saw on the Bar Alex, Meredith and Cristina they were laughing. Owen came near to them "Kepner told me you wanted me" he said shortly "literally" Alex said and the three of them cracked in laugh. Owen looked at them with a weird look "they're drunk" Joe said "I figured" Owen said and looked at Cristina "well..?" Owen asked

Cristina got up "look Owen, I love you" she said and a very bad smell of alcohol came out of her mouth "I want you, I always wanted and maybe, probably always will" Cristina said "what an odd word 'probably " Cristina said and started to cracked out again. Owen still looked at Cristina with a weird look on his face.

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