"You can sit with me" said Ben.

Why would he want me to sit with him? Ehh maybe I can make a friend. I walked over to the desk next to him and sat down.

"So Denis where are you from?" He asked.

"I'm from Ukraine" I answered.

"And why'd you move here" he asked

"My family and I are always moving because of my dads job" I said.

He nodded. A couple seconds later the teacher walked in and started the lesson.

(Skip to end of the day)

School was finally over, and I couldn't be more happy. I got my pack back and walked out the classroom. I still haven't made any friends, Ben talked to me for a little bit but I don't know if we're exactly friends.

I started making my way out of the school, until I noticed Ben and his friends standing at the exit. They where all in the same exact position as this morning, and they were smoking again.

I started walking through the exit until someone stopped me by putting there hand on my shoulder.

"Stop right there" said the person.

I turned around to see Danny standing there. Great what does he want? To throw my lunch again?

"Yes?" I asked.

"I hope you learned your lesson. Just remember, I rule this school if you do anything that pisses me or my friends off your gonna fucking pay" he said.

I slowly nodded.

"Good, now get the hell out of here" he said while pushing me.

I started making my way towards my house. One of the toughest boys is already on my case. How the fuck am I gonna survive this school year?

All I did was sit at a fucking table, and he gets mad about that? I chose to forget about it. I took out my headphones, and plugged them into my iPod, and started listening to music, as
I made my way home.

I forgot my key, so I had to knock. My parents are the rich kind so there scared that there gonna get robbed or something. Which is why they lock the door even if there home.

A couple seconds later my sister answered.

My sister is a 9th grader, she got home earlier because she prefers that our parents go pick her up. She also has different interest than me. Such as music, clothes, style ect. Her favorite color is pink, and she likes pop music. Even though we have completely different taste, we get along very well.

"Why'd you knock?" She asked.

"I forgot my key" I said.

She nodded before moving out the way so I could come in.

"So where are mom and dad?" I asked.

"Moms next door meeting the neighbors, and dads in his office doing work" she said

I nodded before making my way upstairs. But got stopped by my sister.

"Oh also go get ready, we got invited to dinner with the Bruce's!" She hollered from downstairs.

Great, I have to meet new people. I'm allergic to human beings. Fuck it, it's just dinner Denis. I walked in my room and set my pack back down. I didn't have any homework because it was my firs day, so I didn't have to worry about that. I might as well go ahead and start getting ready.

I got my towel and some clothes and walked in the bathroom. I started removing my clothes, as I turned the water on. For some reason, ever since I was little I've loved bathing in hot water. I've never showered with room temperature because my body thinks that's too cold.

PROTECT ME (Brustoff  Ben Bruce x Denis Stoff) FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now