Amy wakes up

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When Amy woke up fully Rory was asleep on a chair in the corner of the room, she looked around the room as she lay there and saw him. She slowly reached her hand out to him, unable to say anything.

She became upset and agitated when he stayed asleep and took all the wires off herself, slowly sitting up. All of a sudden two doctors ran into the room, one holding her down whilst the other sedated her, which woke Rory up.

"Amy?" He went over to the bed, "is she okay?"

"She woke up and got agitated so we had to sedate her, she'll be fine, she'll just be really relaxed for a while".

"That's it now? No more coma?"

"No more coma" the doctor smiled at Rory and left the room with the other doctor.

Rory smiled slightly as Amy lay there slowly closing her eyes, he took hold her of her hand and kissed it, "welcome back Amy".

Amy and Rory: an auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant