Jessica and Arthur

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Amy was 7 months pregnant when she started getting pains in her stomach, it was in the middle of the night and she had woken Rory up by groaning, "something is wrong Rory, I never had pains like this the first three times" she groaned again and put her hand on her stomach.

"Okay come on, let's go to the hospital"

She stood up slowly and put her coat on over her pyjamas as Rory put some clothes on.

On the way to the hospital Amy's water broke and she started to panic, "Rory hurry up!!"

"I'm going as fast as I can Amy, we're not that far away now".

When they got to the hospital Rory rushed Amy straight to the delivery room to give birth.

4 hours later the girl baby was alive and well in Amy's arms, the boy baby however had some complications and had been rushed to the emergency room.

Rory was stood outside the emergency room watching when Amy's parents showed up.

"Rory, how is she?"

"Amy's fine, she's with one of the twins who is also fine"

"What about the other one?"

Rory looked into the emergency room, "I don't know" he teared up and sat down, "what if he doesn't make it?"

"He will Rory, you can't think like that, listen, you should be with Amy, she's going to be stressed out right now"

"I don't want to leave him"

Amy's dad put his hand on Rory's shoulder, "I'll keep an eye on him Rory, go back to Amy, go on"

Rory nodded and went back to Amy's room, "hey, how's she doing?"

"She's doing okay, what about the boy?"

"Honestly, I don't know, they're in the emergency room with him now, your parents are keeping an eye on him".

"He's going to be okay though isn't he? He has to be"

Rory smiled falsely, "yeah of course, he'll be fine" he kissed her head, "he'll be absolutely perfect".

"I thought of some names"

"Really? What are they?"

"Jessica and Arthur"

"Our middle names?"

"Yeah, I remember them coming up when we were discussing names for Bethany".

He smiled again, "sounds perfect" he looked down at their daughter, "doesn't it Jessica?"

Amy and Rory: an auWhere stories live. Discover now