Strange Bedfellows

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'Okay class, today we'll be learning about abstract art.' I started as I went on aimlessly about art.

Lately I haven't been in the mood to talk or teach art but that's all I know how to do.

I do the same thing every day, I go to work then go home and eat alone and then go to bed alone. The next day I just do it all over again.

School was finally over and I was heading to my car when Marina stopped me.

'Hey Luke you wanna go out for dinner or something?' She asked as she caught up with me.

'Um sure why not?' I said, it's not like I have anything else to do. We walked out together and drove off to the bar.

After going in and getting a table we ordered drinks and some food.

'So how have you been Luke?' She asked taking a sip of her martini.

'I've been okay I guess I mean it's been four years for Christ sakes and I still can't get over him.' I said as I layed my head on the table in frustration.

'I know Luke it must be hard for you.' She sympathised but I felt horrible.

'It just hurts so much.' I sais as I started to cry holding my face in my hands.

'I know and I am so sorry, let's go out to a club and just forget about the world for one night?' She asked and I just shrugged in response and we headed out.

Loud music, sweaty bodies, and crowded dancefloors. That's just what I needed to take my mind off of Calum.


Sweet little cute Calum with the ass from gods and lips out of this world.


I can't be thinking about him.

After downing another shot I headed to dancefloor to look for some drunken mess of a guy to dance with. I found this tall blonde guy with long hair and tattoos and walked over to him and he latched onto me and we started to dance.

We swayed our hips to the music and I just let jim and everything takeover my mind. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned down and connected our lips.

It was a sloppy drunken kiss but I didn't mind it as much as I probably should have.

'My name's Chris.' The blonde said.

'Luke.' I replied back and we just continued to dance and make out.

I don't know how or when but I just remember fumbling around with another body and was being pushed up agaisnt a wall as I made out. Chris and I had made it to his apartment and were taking off clothes left and right.

I didn't ever do this but I needed to get things off my mind and this was definitely working.


I awoke the next morning with a massive headache and the sun shinning so bright in my eyes.

As I sat up I saw the blonde from last night, Chris I think his name was sleeping with his back to me snoring quietly. I got up and found my boxers in the mess of clothes on the floor. Walking into the bathroom across the hall I closed the door and stared at myself in the mirror.

I had bags under my eyes and my face looked warn out. I was a mess and I just didn't even care.

I can't believe that I slept with some strange man last night. That's not who I am or who I want to be.

After cleaning my face a bit and fixing my hair I walked back into the room and thankfully the guy was still asleep so I grabbed my clothes and got dressed and struggled to put my shoes on and headed out is door quietly and walked down his steps to outside.

I didn't know where I was so I just called the one person who I haven't talked to in so long and I know would be here to help me.



So poor Luke huh? He's still not over Calum and probably never will be tbh

So I know I said that I wasn't gonna update but whatever lol I can't help myself and I really need tis and all of you, you guys honestly help me write cause you make me want to so yeah but updates will be slow js since I start college literally this Saturday

Also I've been working on something that I know a lot of you will love and appreciate so stay tuned (:

Love you

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