[15] Help you remember

Start from the beginning

"15...?" Phil shakily replied and the boy widened his eyes.

"Ph-Phil, are you sure you're not shitting on me right now? You're 28 not 15."

"I'm...28? But I'm 15, I'm sure I'm 15! I'm absolutely sure that I've never graduated college before!"

Now Phil really felt like crying, he did not know what was happening and he did not like it one bit.

"You...you don't remember me eith-either?" The boy shakily asked and Phil slowly shook my head.

A part of Phil felt like he should know him but no matter how deep Phil dug through his brain, he couldn't recover anything.

It was more like his memory was kept in a chest that could not be opened.

The boy bit his lip, "Well I'm Daniel James Howell, but people call me Dan. I'm 24 and I have been your best friend for 6 years. We-well...and boyfriend for 1 year and 2 months."

Phil gasped, "B-boyfriend?"

The guy, Dan, nodded his head, "You really don't remember..."

"I'm not gay! No way! I can't be! This must be a misunderstanding, I...I..."

Phil couldn't hold it back anymore and let loose his torrent of tears.

He couldn't be gay, he couldn't have a boyfriend. Everyone would judge him.

Nobody likes gays


Dan was very worried about Phil.

So apparently, Phil went to bed as a 28 year old and woke up as a 15 year old, with almost all his memories forgotten.

Dan sighed loudly, running his fingers through his hair.

"Goodnight babe." Dan kissed Phil's lips and smiled.

"Night, don't stay up till 3am again, alright?" Phil laughed and Dan rolled his eyes.

"No promises." Dan giggled as he walked into his room.

Was that the last time he would ever have Phil as his boyfriend for? Would they even still be able to remain friends?

Dan felt like screaming. He didn't like how his caring boyfriend got taken away from him in just a night and got turned into a homophobic teenager.

Dan silently swore to himself that no matter what happens, he would get his Phil back.

And he would do whatever it takes.


"Did you hit your head recently or fall off anything?"

Dan had brought Phil to the doctors, hoping that they could cure him and find out what happened.

"N-no..." Phil mumbled.

"I'm sorry, but we really have no idea. If you just went to sleep like any normal night, there is so explanation for why you would wake up with your memories gone."

Phil felt like crying again, but his eyes were sore and sick of crying.

Phil was hoping that this was some prank or a dream but it was real apparently.

Dan's eyes were sore and puffy too. Not mostly from the fact that his boyfriend had lost his memory but more from the fact that his boyfriend didn't even want to be his boyfriend.

"So you can't find a cure or anything?" Dan's voice cracked and the doctor looked at him pitifully.

"I'm sorry but no. However, we will be doing some research and if we find anything, we'll get back to you. This is the first case we ever got of this, that's why."

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