Chapter 32

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I slowly opened my eyes and sat up seeing Liam Next to me. He's sound asleep. I quietly get up and go to my room changing from the blood stained clothes.

I changed into a pair of black sweats and put on a green TANKTOP and wore Liams sweatshirt over it.

"Fuck" I groan when I accidentally bumped the zipper on my wrist. What was I even thinking of yesterday

I walk out my room and bumped into a tall figure. I look up and saw Liams face relived.

" today we're going to hangout the whole day. You and I only. Well go to where ever you want, yeah?" He says weakly smiling

I nod with a smile as he goes and gets dressed. I walk down stairs and see Niall passed on the couch. I walk into the kitchen and see Harry in tears ... He's holding the note I had written yesterday

He lifts his head up and widening his eyes when he sees me. He immediately lifts me into a hug crying his heart out into my neck

" Alex I'm so sorry I'm such a Fucking prick I'm so sorry baby" he cries louder holding me closer to him

He sets me down..
" I thought you killed yourself" he sobs wiping his eyes.
" about to.. Liam just.. I don't need to tell you" I say with no emotion

I honestly want to go hug him and never let go. Seeing him like this is so unreal

" I'm sorry, I know your angry with me and you absolutely have every right to be. You never killed the baby my stupid self did and I don't know how i can fix that" he sobs sniffling

" I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't want to make you loose the baby, or even blame you for my mistakes" he says softly

" and I especially didn't want what was gonna happen yesterday happen" he says deeply

" Harry honestly you don't care about anyone but yourself and that's what's caused this" I say trying not to breakdown

" what the fuck do you mean by that Alexandra!" He yells getting up making me flinch

" you see these?" He said holding up a bottle of pills he got out of his pocket

" I'm taking these so I can fucking try and change and control my anger. And I'm doing all of this shit for you" he yelled throwing me the bottle as I caught it

" you're telling me I don't care, you think I'm proud I'm like this? Alex I've been doing everything I could but you're just seeing the bad side of me" he said softening his voice

" you know what, fine. Think whatever you'd like I don't want to upset you anymore " he sighs wiping his eyes

" it's fine. And If you don't want to be with me anymore.. I unders-" he says with his voice cracking

I ran up to him and he picked me up hugging me laying his head in the crook of my neck

I know he's done many things that's hurt me but.. I love him too much...

" don't ever let go" he cries softly into my neck as I do the same.

" I'm sorry I'm just so confused about everything right now and ... it hurts too much" I sob into his shirt

" your telling me how your trying to change and no ones even done anything close to that to stay with me" I cried

" I love you Harry don't even think I'd leave you" I whispered pulling my head back , he brings his hand up wiping my tears

But I already did yesterday..

Harry still holding me, my legs straddled around his waist.
"I love you more than you could imagine, this past weeks hurt me so much" he whispers against my skin

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