"We should help each other out."

He didn't move. I got nervous that it was too much pain, but then he responded, "I'm not working with you."

"What if I told you I know where Jen is, and that Trent won't have time to kill her?"

"I would say you are lying to my face." He glared at me, as he tried to stand up and probably attack me again, but fell right back to the ground with a groan.

I made sure I was on the opposite wall. "I'm not lying, and I will show you when we get out of here. When I find a way out ..."

"Already covered." He smirked at the ground

"What is 'already covered'?"

"I already have a way to get out; I'm just waiting for him to show up."

Who was he waiting for? "I don't—"

"Just be patient, now I want to hear more about how you know where Jen is, and how you know that Trent won't kill her?"

I gulped. "Trent won't kill her because he won't have time; the boy is leading them into a trap."

"I don't understand. How do you know that?" He asked.

"You asked me why I was here, right?" He nodded. "Well, you are clearly here because you tried to prevent them from going on the search for Jen..." I looked at him making sure I assumed right. He nodded again. "I was accused of being an imposter."

"And are you?"

"I'm not."

"Prove it."

I didn't hold anything back, I told him everything. From when I first arrived at the castle with Greg, to meeting Jen, to the original plan of me killing the prince and how it backfired to Jen making another plan on her own. To end off the story on what happened before I got thrown in the cell.

Once I started talking, I just couldn't stop. It felt good to get everything out, and this room was soundproof, no one outside could hear anything I was saying, only Finn. I didn't know if I was smart to tell him all that, but if I did need to tell someone about Jen it would have to be her Beloved.

I was no imposter.

The door behind Finn started to shake as someone on the other side was trying to open it. It got slammed open with a man standing at the entrance, I didn't know who he was, but Finn did. "What took you so long?

This must be the guy Finn was waiting for.

"I just wanted to make sure that no one was around when I let you out."

Finn pushed himself off the ground as he walked through the door, and I followed him until he stuck his arm out from preventing me to get out. "The only reason I will let you out is if you show me where this cause is that you were talking about, and if we get to this destination and Jen is dead, you will be shortly after, agree?"

This was my only way out. "Agree." Finn moved his arm allowing me to leave the cell as he closed the door behind me.

The man that let us out stood in front of us wearing a guard's uniform, he had shaggy blonde hair falling in his eyes and a finger covering his lips. "Be quieter, it's not soundproof in this part."

"Who are you anyways, why would you help Finn escape?"

Finn answered before him. "Jude was standing upstairs outside the basement doors when I started to fight for the people not to follow the boy, then when I was about to be grabbed I told him that for him to repay me, he had to let me out of the cell when I got thrown in.

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