Diary entry 1

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i decided to do diary entries between chapters just to give a little more of an idea on how gigi's feeling about everything. 

Dear Diary, 

I finally did it. I left the house that has broken me down for my whole life. I feel nervous and scared because I don't know what's going to happen but yet I feel so free. I met a guy at the bus stop today named Mico. Right when I turned around and looked at him I'm not really sure but I felt like i knew him. I felt safe and comfortable like I knew him my whole life. I know that's kind of weird but I don't know how else to explain it. He gave me the idea to hitchhike which could be a stupid or a good idea, but so far I think it's alright. A lady named Lucy picked me up and I'm sitting in her car as I write this. I'm not really sure what to think of her but I won't be in the car with her much more longer. Well I better go, we just pulled into Mcdonalds. 



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