"Whoa be careful" he said while helping me not fall

Once we sat down he started speaking.

"So what have you been up too?" He asked while taking a sip of his beer.

"Nothing, just drinking and dancing with random people" I answered.

He nodded.

"I need a cigarette" I said while getting up.

I started making my way towards the exit, when I tripped, and almost fell but got caught by Denis.

"Be careful" he said.

"Yeah yeah, just help me get outside" I said.

He nodded before helping me walk outside. Once I got there I quickly lit up a cigarette.

"Can I have one?" Asked Denis.

I nodded before handing him the pack. He took one out and lit it up as well.

"I didn't know you smoked" said Denis.

"I only smoke when I'm stressed out" I said.

"What's going on?" He asked.

I looked at him with confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You said you only smoke when your stressed out, your currently smoking so your stressed out" he said.

"Oh it's just everything that's been going on with Ricky and stuff" I said. I didn't want to mention that I'm currently heartbroken because the kiss didn't mean anything to him.

"Are you sure that's it?" He asked.

"Yes...I'm sure" I said while smiling up at him.

He sighed.

"I need to get this off my chest" he said.

"What do you m-" I was cut off my his lips crashing on to mine.

I quickly responded by kissing back. His tongue traveled one my bottom lip, me being the tease that I am denied access. He bit my bottom lip which caused me to moan, finally allowing him access to come in my mouth. (Hehe)

A part of me was telling me that what I was doing was wrong, but the alcohol had control over my body right know.

"Come let's get back to the bus and continue this" said Denis while breaking away from the kiss.

I nodded before following him. Once we got to the bus Denis quickly unlocked it and lead me to his bunk. I was about to get in his bunk when Denis stopped me by attacking my lips. I didn't hesitate to kiss back. His hands started roaming up my dress, until he stated groping my ass.

He unzipped my dress and let it fall to the ground. I took off his shirt and pants, as he unhooked my bra, and took off my panties.

And I'm guessing you now what went on from there. I know I'm gonna regret this in this morning.

(Sorry guys, but I don't feel comfortable writing the rest)

(Skip to morning)

Iris POV

I woke up by my phone going off. I quickly grabbed it and noticed that Jess was calling me. I'll talk to her later. I started looking around and noticed that I wasn't in my bunk. What the hell happened last night?

I looked to my right to see Denis fast asleep. He didn't have a shirt on, which started worrying me, cause I didn't have any undergarments on. I was to scared to look under the blanket to see if he and I...you know...did the weird thing.

He started squirming, which means that he was walking up. Fuck how am I gonna explain this to him.

His eyes shot opened as he started looking around and noticed that I was in there too.

"Iris? What are you doing in here?" He asked all groggily.

"Denis, do you remember anything that happened last night?" I asked.

"No, I only remember you and I walking back to the bus and..." He stopped talking as he started realizing what I meant.

"Shit Iris do you and I...you know..fuck" he said while whispering the last part.

"Apparently...yes. I mean where both fucking naked in you bunk" I said.

He sighed while rubbing his face.

"Destiny's gonna kill me" he said.

If only he knew that she probably did the same thing last night as well. I looked down. I should have stopped us yesterday.

"Iris, you have to promise to not tell anyone this" he said.

Great, he's embarrassed that he had sex which a crew member.

"I promise" I mumble.

"Good" he said.

"I'm gonna go get dressed" I said while climbing out of his bunk and heading for the restroom.

(A/N) Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Who else likes the new BMTH song true friends? Please Follow, Like, And Comment!

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