Then it all starts...

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"Elaine hurry up or we'll be late" I whisper yell as I ran towards her walk in closet. "Remember the phone interview is is 40mins. We still have have a 20 minute drive. Go brush your teeth while I get your clothes." I took out a white botton up sleeveless blouse, black and white checkered vest, black fitted pants, her cream colored coat and jimmy choo boots then placed it on her bed and went to my room to dress up as well. When I went back to her room Elaine was putting some lipstick and blush on. We stood side by side in front of her mirror. Satisfied with our appearances, we went out to her bad assed wheels. She owns this egg yolk yellow hummer for over a year now and regardless of her attire she drives her baby where ever she goes.

We arrived at my office with only 5mins to spare so I hurriedly ushered Elaine towards the conference room and started dialing my boss' number to start the video conference call.

"That went well, dont you think Jae?" Elaine asked as we enter starbuck's which was at the ground floor of our office building. "In all honesty Elaine, you are the only applicant to pass the interview and I am sure you'll hear from him by tomorrow." I assured her as we started drinking our espresso. "My first job and its gonna be with you, although not together in the same room as I know you're his PA but it doesnt feel scary now." Elaine flashed her genuine smile that makes people crazy. This girl really needs to see herself from another person's point of view and get enough confidence and self esteem. She is so hot and innocently sweet at the same time. "Come now, I still need to do some work. Jazz is already waiting for us in my office." As we went back to my office I received an email stating Elaine's job offer, contract and job description. She'll be our Marketing manager as soon as she accepts the job and will be holding her own office a floor beneath me beside the Sales and IT manager's'r@re both dickheàads according to the office gossips.


"Elaine, Ian and I are going out for a late lunch care to join us?" Ben popped his head in my office as I was finishing my month end report. "Thank you Ben but I guess I'll pass I still need to proofread some reports due this evening. You and Ian enjoy yourselves though." I politely turned down Ben's invitation for the 20th time since I started working here. Dont think that I am a snob. You see Ben is the IT manager and Ian is his assistant and the two are the wellknown Players here. They've been befriending me and tried to make passes at me since day one. Suddenly I was back in time.

Flashback 3 years ago

The morning I woke up after our graduation after party, my head was pounding. I was so disoriented and misplaced. When I looked on my left side I saw Walter naked and asleep. Then everything that happened last night came flooding in though it was in bits and random pieces. Silent tears were rolling down my face as I try to stand up, I saw bruises on my arms and thighs. I was so sore and hurting when reality hit me. I was drugged and raped.

I should have filed a case against Walter back then but aside from the shame on both families, I believed him when he insisted that he did it because he loves me. He begged me to forgive him and never leave him. He even asked me to marry him. It was a good thing that I doubted him, he was so caring, romantic and thoughtful for 3months and suddenly he changed into the real beast. I promised myself not to be the victim anymore so I left the city with the twins, finished college and now we are all employed in this multi million dollar company living in a big house that the 3 of us owned and somehow we are managing well. No relationships for me though even if the twins are both engaged.

A knock on my door brought me back to my present state. It was Ben holding some take out. "You shouldnt have Ben. I will be done with the reviews in an hour or two and I can grab something before the month-end meeting starts." I said with a polite smile to Ben who was arranging the food he bought on my coffee table. "I bought a ceasar salad, vegan sandwich, low cal-low fat yogurt drink and an orange juice." Ben said scratching his head. "I know you'll say that but please humor me and eat some. I am honestly concern for your health. You work yourself till late in the evenings and start just before everyone else comes in. Ok Elaine, stop staring I'll leave you now before you snap at my head." He left after he smiled sweetly and winked at my direction. I stubbornly stood up and went to my coffee table and started shoving the salad. "This is heavenly" I whispered with a contented smile. "I dont need a distraction, I am here to work and work I shall do...but I could indulge myself with these treats first." 

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