The case was a tough one. Even now, I wasn't entirely sure what I believed. Yes, my brother had been drinking. Yes, he had stolen a car before. But I couldn't believe for a moment that he'd stolen a car while under the influence and crashed it. I'd known him my whole life. He wasn't the type of person to do that.

But according to the CCTV at the bar, he was the type of person to do that.

Worrying my lip, I ran a hand through my hair. It hurt my head to even think about.

The shop phone started ringing and I jumped a bit, causing Ariana to snicker. Shooting her a dirty look, I walked over to it and picked it up. "Poughkeepsie Coffee House, Henley speaking. How may I help you?"

"Why aren't you answering your cell phone?"

It took me a moment to realize it wasn't a customer calling. It was Bennett.

I hung up the phone.

Three seconds later it started ringing again. Ariana gave me a questioning look. I debated not answering it, but I was too scared it might actually be a customer to ignore it. "Coffee House, Henley speaking, how may I help you?"

"Did you hang up on me?"

Ugh. "Yes," I said.

There was a second of silence. "Don't hang up."

"You have two minutes," I warned him.

"Why aren't you answering your cell phone?"

"I'm at work."


Should've figured he wouldn't see anything wrong with that. He was probably used to people answering his phone calls on the first ring. "It's pretty busy here so I can't talk long—"

"It's not busy," he cut me off, speaking nonchalantly. "I know the profit of the company and I know it's not nearly as high as other coffee shops around seeing as how there is a Dunkin Donuts down the street. Poor planning on the owner's side."

"Wow, thanks for that very interesting bit of info."

"You're very welcome," he responded. He actually sounded a little pleased, so I guessed he missed my sarcasm.

I leaned against the doorframe. "Are you going to tell me why you're calling?"

There was a brief moment of silence again. "I have plans for us tonight."


"Yes. We'll be going on our first date."

"Date?" I repeated.

"I'll meet you at your place so I can see your dresses and decide if you will need one or not."


"Are you purposely trying to imitate a parrot?"

I scowled a bit. "No. Why do we have to go on a date?"

"That's what couples do."

"But..." I cupped my elbow, staring at the floor tiles. It'd been a long time since I'd last been on a date. Or had a boyfriend period. After Brandon went to jail, I'd had to pick up a second job and I never really had any free time to meet anyone or date anyone.

Bennett chuckled on the other side of the line. "Don't overthink it. Just play your part. It's your job."

That's right. It was my job. Why was I getting so nervous? All I had to do was act. I did a bit of drama in high school. It shouldn't be a problem. "Okay."

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