Chapter 5

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So we were flying to a hiil to bet rest, in till Gassy bumped into Iggy, who had Total. And Totals wings arent ready to fly yet.

Angel reached for Total as he plummeted past her, but her fingers only grazed his fur.
" Total!", she cried, and Total started barking and howling, dropping faster away, his voice trailing off.
"Oh, crap," I muttered, then veered down past Fang. "If I don't come back in two minutes, do not let Angel have another pet." Then I tucked in my wings behind me and started to drop.
"Max! Get Total!", Angel shouted after me, her voice panicky.
"No, I'm dropping straight down through clouds just for fun," I said to my self. I know people always fantasize about dropping through clouds or walking on them, landing on the clouds. The thing is, clouds are wet. Wet and usually chilly. And you can't see anything. So, not as high on the fan scale as you might think.
I followed the sound of Totals howling, letting me fall forward the earth. Suddenly the mist cleared and I saw the ground, green and brown, below me. Plus a bunch of white-
"Ahhhh!," I cried, as I dropped out of the cloud and particularly onto the back of a glider plane. My feet actually brushed its shin before I could pull enough wing power, but I manage to pull the power. I moved my wings powerfully and rose up several yards, out of the way.
I could no longer here Total. Dang it! My eyes raked the air below me. I ticked in my wings back and aimed downward again, shooting like a rocket instead of just letting myself fall. I poured on my new supernatural speed and roared torward the ground, and suddenly Total was in view and getting larger fast.
He was still howling pathetically. There was no time for me to slow down, so I just shot torward him, scooped him up in my arms, them pulled out of steep, steep dive about two hundred feet from mountainside. Raising my face to the sun, I rushed upward, my wings feeling like steel, like fusion rockets. I looked aheto make sure there was nothing above me, then I finally look at Total.
He was crying. Large tears made wet streaks through his black fur." You saved me," he choked out. "I couldn't fly. My wings weren't strong , I was falling! But you got me".
"Yeah, I wouldn't let you fall," I told him, and rubbed behind is ears. Still weeping, he licked my cheek gratefully. I clenched my teeth.
I arose with Total and showed the flock I got him.
"You saved him!", Angel cried. She has tears along her cheek.
"Of course I did sweety", I moved away. I'm gonna give Angel and Total some space.

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