Chapter 3

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Yep. Flying Erasers. These Erasers had wings, which was a new and revolting development on the Eraser front. Half wolf, half human, and now half avian? That couldn't back a happy mix. And they were heading our way at about 80 miles per hour.
"Split up!" I ordered." Nudge! Gassy! Nine o'clock! Angel, up top. Move it! Iggy and Fang, flank me from below! Fang, ditch the dog!"
"Nooo, Fang!'', screeched Angel. Angel swooped down a took Total, the dog, and flew up above.
Here we go. I thought, feeling the adrenaline speeding up my heart. I launched my self at the biggest Eraser, swinging my feet under me to smash against his chest. He rolled back but righted himself and can at me again, claws slashing the air.
I bobbed, feeling his paws whip right past my face. I turned sharply just in time to have a hard, hairy fist crash into my head.
I grabbed one of his arm, twisting it violently in back of him. It was hard in the air, but then I heard a loud pop.
The Eraser scream and dropped, careening downward until he caught himself and flew away, one arm dangling.
I look at the rest of the flock. They looked beat after this tiny war.
Now let's call this a day.

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