chapter 1: The Girl

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An: The words rich and poor will be capitalized sometimes because they are the group names.

Josh's POV

It was all a blur. I was just going inside after farming when I dropped my tomato. I turned around to pick it up and then I saw her. I've never saw a Rich run, I don't even think I've ever saw a rich person at all except at my TV screen when we watch the President.

America is divided into two sections, but individually split in their own categories. For the Rich it's; Mega- the richest and also government forces, 50,000,000,000 dollars and up, Centa- the middle Rich at least 1,000,000,000 dollars, and then Cameo, the millionaires. For the Poor it's; Average- what you'd call average- Spare, people that barely live by, and then there's my family, Servants, the ones who work for the Rich and get their scraps from the table, literally. So it was just a shock to see one so up close. No one ever gets close to the boarder, especially the Rich. They find us "too revolting to even look at."

This girl was something different. She was running from something or someone. Her hair was in dark perfect curls with beautiful big brown eyes. Her white elegant outfit made her tanned skin pop. This was one of the a generic looks for a Rich, but somehow she looked... different to me.

"Help!" She mouthed. It was faint but I came running over. Our house was one of the closest to the border, so I could slightly make out the lamp post in the distance. She was clutching the lamp post tightly. I finally got there and spoke,

"Uhh you can run into my house and put some of my mom's clothes on, then mess up your hair, makeup and everything."

"I'm not wearing makeup."

"Wow... I uhh never been this close to a lamp post?" "Smooth." I muttered mad at myself. She just giggled.

"Thank you for helping!"

"Can you at least tell me your name?"

"Nia,"She smiled revealing her perfect teeth. Even in the dark I swear they sparkled. She ran off into my minute, beaten up house. It was plastered grey and crooked, something you'd find in a horror movie. The farm is on the side and it's probably half of a normal full bathroom. Barely enough to be called a farm I'll admit. Man she must be really desperate if she's hiding in a Poor's house. Shortly, two men came up.

"Have you seen a Rich girl pass by." The first guy was Caucasian and even though it was dim I could still see his features. He had brown narrowed eyes, had a perfect nose- probably got a nose job- and was covered in tattoos that were even visible even though he was wearing a tux. He had a tattoo on the side of his face, and a large one covering up his right hand. The other man was tanned unlike the other who was alabaster, had green eyes and looked much older than the other guy who looked about twenty. He had no tattoos, and had a couple wrinkles on his forehead.I guessed they were the Secret Servers, similar to what my grandma said was the FBI back in her day. Both men had something that terrified me, and then I saw it, their teeth were sharpened to look like fangs. I tried to sound as calm and possible, but also innocent.

"I'm very sorry but I haven't. I wish that I could see a Rich girl, but they never come by. I was actually almost done farming for the day Sirs." I replied respectfully. I must say I'm a pretty decent actor.

"Liar! She came this way!"

"Well I saw something far off into the distance but who knows it could of been a bird,"

"I'm not playing no games boy!" The tattooed man gripped tightly on my ripped brown shirt.

"I'm sorry I haven't I really haven't seen anything besides a figure!" I apprehensively spoke gasping for breath. The older told him to release me.

"Very well tell me if this figure reappears,"

"Yes sir!"And with that they disappeared into this distance. Now all I had to do is take care of this gorgeous Rich that was in my shack of my house.

An: Coco Jones as Nia Frazier

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The Lamp Post: Dance Moms (a Nia Frazier, Josh Hyland, Chloe Lukasiak, Paige Hyland, Maddie Ziegler, Mackenzie Ziegler fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now