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Shoutout to PanickingWithRoses for giving me the ideas for this book ! Ily

'Dan, babe can you past me that cup of water over there?' Calum asked his boyfriend Dan who handed him the can of water to dip his brush in.

'So what are you working on?' Dan asked as he looked at Calum's canvas.

'Honestly I have no idea, everything I do just fucking sucks and I'm gonna get noticed.' Calum sighed throwing his brush down and getting up to walk away from his disappointing piece.

'Babe, come on it's not that bad.' Dan said looking st the piece some more.

'No, it is and it's whatever I'm gonna go to the market do you need anything?' Calum asked and Dan shook his head and so Calum was off into the street with his bike to the market.

After going London Calum had done pretty well in art school and his roommate, Dan, and him hit it off and of course Dan's accent helped a lot but he kept Calum's mind off of Luke.

He kept in touch with Melanie and everyone back at home but this past years not so much but Calum was happy living in his little flat with Dan.

Well except for the fact that Calum hasn't been able to do anything with his art at all cause no one either wants to look at his stuff or they just tell him that he's 'too young and inexperienced.' Well screw them, Calum knew he'd make it.


-Hi !

Omg so this the third book to Teaching Affairs how crazy that this already the third book? Anyway get ready for more drama, more idiotic decisions and definitely more heartbreak

Love you

Effie || CakeWhere stories live. Discover now