Pain is not hilarious.

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I woke up in a hospital. My mother was in a bed next to me, or so I was told. Looking about the bloodied ward, I heard relentless beeping, accompanied by quick footsteps, with light chatter. I looked in the bed to the right of me. There was someone who I did not seem to recognise immediately, yet this person seemed familiar. They seemed to sway as my groggy vision allowed it, and I couldn't make anything thought other than lots of bandages and a lot of brown hair. Nothing like my mother though. My head struggled to turn to the left, but I watched as I attempted to make this action, and multiple people stared at me. These must have been doctors. The black and white striped walls zoomed to the right as my head rotated. I finally got the chance to look to my left, and the sight I was greeted with was not clear, nor did it seem nice. There was a female with a shaved head, although brown hairs were appearing. This lady was very pale and slim. She must have had a sixth sense as she turned around with what seemed like ease, revealing bandages covering her left eye and cheek. She cracked a relieving smile, as I attempted to smile back, but I couldn't do anything but open my drooling mouth..

I started to shake. One machine started to beep faster than all others in the background, and all of a sudden my arms and legs were flailing everywhere. I couldn't control it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the lady reach out her arm and say my name.


I flailed about for a little bit longer before they held me down with force. I heard among the frantic shouting and beeping that it was muscle relaxants leaving my body, but I doubted that. I didn't feel any pain, other than a sharp scratch in my wrist. I felt liquids flowing through me which helped stop the random flail, but it didn't seem happy. I started to go groggy once more. The last words I made out were "Page Dr..." and "Theatre, now!" Before I passed out once more. I probably had been placed under some anaesthetic.

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