I'm leaving and so will he

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I've stayed with Rhydian for a while now. One month I believe but sadly I have to go.

R: Why do you have to go?

CJ: Rhydian I am now top alpha. I have many responsibilities to our kind.

R: I just wish you didn't have to go. I've just only got you and now your leaving.

CJ: I've enjoyed our time. Really I did. Even though it hurts me I have to go.

R: Who's gonna teach me while your gone?

CJ: you have Jana, Bleidd, Ceri.

R: yeah but I barely know them.

CJ: you'll be fine. Look a wolf always has to learn to adapt.

R: Yeah I know but theirs nothing for me here.

CJ: Then why don't you go to the home where you do have something.

R: They won't want me back.

CJ: Rhydian-

Jana pops up out of nowhere.

J: Rhydian?

R: yes Jana.

J: I was wondering where did you live before you came here?

R: uh...

CJ: Actually he was a tame wolfblood. Like me.

J: I don't understand how you could survive that.

R: what do you mean?

J: Life as a tame. Living amongst human. Those sickening caldweiers.

R: caldweiers?

CJ: what wilds call human.

R: oh

J: yeah. The wild is a true wolfbloods home.

R: you do know we are also part human.

J: yes but we have are still more then them.

CJ: yes but at the same time still less then them.

J; you don't get it.

CJ: I understand enough.

R: yeah I had a friend who is a wolfblood and she is amazing. She still lives life with humans.

J: I don't care about your tame friends!

R: don't call her tame!


J: You won't survive being top alpha!

CJ: Why not?

J: Your also tame which means your to weak to run a pack!

CJ: And yet I still am! They could have chosen any Wild wolfblood but look they didn't! They chose me because I had more to give then any of you!

J: I could take your place if I wanted!

CJ: I'd like to see you try.

With that Jana flashed her eyes at me. She growled then lunged for me. I quickly moved out of her way. She almost tripped. When she balanced herself then turned back to me but I grabbed her arm. I then put her arm against her back like as if I were a police officer. I walked we back over to her father and Rhydian followed. I walk up to Alric. I then shove Jana to him.

CJ: Take your daughter.

A: My alpha what happened.

CJ: Your cub has offended me.

A: what?!

CJ: I expected something great things from your pack but your cub has shown me otherwise.

A: I am truly sorry.

CJ: it's not you that I'm looking for an apology from.

He turns to look at Jana. You can see the fear in her eyes. He motions her to come forward. She's frozen in her place. So he shoves her. She clears her throat.

J: I am truly sorry. I did not mean the things I said I was just scared. Scared of your world and scared that you'd make us live the same.

CJ: I accept your apology Jana but honestly you have shown something about your pack. Something I didn't think and hoped you didn't have.

A: Don't worry my queen I think I know what it is and we will work on it.

He grabs Jana's wrist and takes her to a tent. I turn to look at Rhydian.

CJ: I know I know that was rude but she shouldn't take it out on others just because she scared of the tame life.

R: you know what I think I know what I'm going to do.

CJ: what?

R: I'm gonna show these guys that the tame life isn't that bad. Starting with Jana. I'm gonna show her what it's like.

CJ: What?!

R: Yeah and then they'll see it's not as bad as it seems.

CJ: Rhydian, you can't.

R: why not?

CJ: Alric would hate you. Jana is everything to him. He'd kill you.

R: for what?

CJ: Look. They fear tame because the leader hates tame. Weak is what he thinks tame are. If theirs anything I know about male alphas is they don't like being weak or anything that is weak.

R: Tames aren't weak.

CJ: He doesn't know that. He'll learn that one day but I don't him learning it from you. He'd hurt you. Just drop it.

R: but-

CJ: Drop it! We will not speak of this anymore. Come on it getting late we should get to sleep.

He just nods and walks to his tent. I get in mine. If I know anything about Rhydian it's that he never drops anything. This could be his ticket to his old life.

----------time skip---------------

I walk with Rhydian, Alric, Bleidd, and Ceri. We walk to the end of the border of their territory. As soon as we get there I have something to say to everyone.

First Ceri

CJ: you missed a lot of his life but now he chooses his own path. Leave him be so he can find happiness.

She just nods and hugs me.

Next Bleidd

B; I'm gonna miss you.

CJ: I'm gonna miss you too.

I hug him.

CJ: keep an eye on them will ya'?

He nods.

Then Alric

A: it's been a pleasure.

CJ: the pleasure is all mine and remember you have 2 more months.

He nods

Finally Rhydian

R: I'm gonna miss you.

CJ: And I you.

R: I wish we had more time.

CJ: yeah

R: I haven't changed my mind though. I will show them about tame life.

CJ: Rhydian....

R: No. I will show them. It's not all that bad. You have to-

CJ: I know I know stand up for what you believe in even if it means standing alone.

R: yeah. You have to be strong enough to stand alone and be yourself enough to stand apart.

CJ: yeah but your also supposed to be wise enough to stand together when the time comes!

He just nods. I hug him. He returns the hug.

R: I'll be fine.

This time I nod then I walk off.

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