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I got up early but I'm not sure why. I just did. We'll have to make the best out of this alone time.

I walked around the forest just replaying everything that's happened. It was a lot to take in. I still can't believe I'm top alpha. I kept thinking this over and over until.....~snap!~......

"Come on out Rhydian." I said

"Aww.... Your no fun!" He replied jokingly. He had this big grin on his face.

"I'm so sorry...... Not!" I told him

He just rolled his eyes at me as if saying 'whatever'.

"What are you doing up so early?" I asked him

"Oh, so you don't want me here." He replied

"That's not what I meant." I responded

R: I know.

CJ: I dunno I just- I just did.

R: Weird I'm usually the early bird.

CJ: Yeah? Well looks like that's changed.

R: Hey do you still draw?

CJ: Of course! It's my way of clearing my mind or remembering good times.

R: Oh! So what have you drawer so far?

CJ: Wait right here.

I ran all the way back to the tent I slept in an got my green Adidas backpack. I ran back and pulled out my notebook and turned the page to my drawings.

R: Wow this looks exactly like the necklace you have on.

CJ: Yeah that's what I was going for.

R: What about these other necklaces?

CJ: Oh I gave those to my beta wolves. Honestly rhydian I would get you something like that but your not the jewelry kind of guy.

R: Yeah.

CJ: Here's the one I want to show you.
(I say flipping to the last page.)

R: Wait this is-

CJ: Is the carving we made.

R: Yeah.

CJ: Yeah I drew it so you could see it. Also so you could take anywhere you go.

R: Thanks CJ. I will cherish this forever.

CJ: It was no problem. Really. I enjoyed doing it.

R: This does bring back memories.

CJ: Oh yeah? You still remember what you said to me that day?

R: Of course I do. I mean like I've been a lone wolf for a while now.

CJ: yeah.

R: Stand up for what you believe in-

R & CJ: -Even if it means standing alone.

We smile at each other.

CJ: come on. The pack should be up by now.

With that we run off. We were racing, laughing, falling, smiling. Just like Cubs. Just like we used to.

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