Chapter ↯ 02

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The sounds were muffled as I cautiously stepped down a never-ending hallway of grey color. I nervously checked my watch and seeing that I had five minutes to spare, I relaxed slightly.

I continued walking at a quick pace and just as I was about to round another corner, a flash of red went past me like a breeze. In that split of the second, my fear of being hit by lightning again had risen, but the  flash of light just went by me and then it dissapeared.

I took a deep, calming breath, telling myself that it was only my imagination and paranoia at being inside the place that disposed me of a normal life. I slowly started walking again. In the next few steps, the silence slowly faded as a set of voices could be heard talking - I must have been close.

And I was. At the next turn, I could already see the light cassading from a room, in which stood three people. Well, two people. One man was in a wheelchair. One of the people standing was a girl with pretty strawberry-blonde hair. The other was a boy with dark hair and a smile plastered on his face.

I stepped forward and silently cleared my throat, making myself known. All three sets of heads turned to me in a second, while I just stood there in the hallway, smiling awkwardly at them. Suddenly, the man in the wheelchair moved towards me with a slowly growing smile, his blue eyes showing a small excitement behind the black-rimmed glasses.

"Ah! You must be Miss Blake, if I am correct?" he asked, moving closer and extending his arm for me to shake his hand.

"Please, call me Altesa. And you must be Doctor Wells," I smiled, shaking his hand with a firm grip.

"Call me Wells," he said with a smile and we unlocked our hands, while a silent cough was heard from the two standing in the illuminated room. I smiled and subtly waved at them while they just stood there, staring. I looked at Wells and he nodded, allowing me to go into the room. The first thing I did was gasp.

"Wow. It's beautiful!" I said, mesmerized by the room full of computers, screens, lab equiptment and so on. But as soon as I said it, a set of chuckles were heard and I blushed. I wasn't one to show many emotions, but technical objects and books always got to me. 

"Sorry," I spoke softly in embarasment, my eyes facing the floor, which was surprisingly not that tidy - a few papers were laying on it, as if the wind blew them from the table. Suddenly, a roar of laughter sounded before me, throwing me out of my thoughts and I looked up with widened eyes. It was the dark-haired man, amusement filling his dark pupils as he said to me: "No worries. My first expression was a whole lot worse and all that there was in the Lab was one single computer and that glass wall over there." At that I let myself laugh, my nerves slowly burning down. My sight caught the girl's and she smiled, walking towards me with a hand reached out.

"I am Doctor Snow. But you will probably start calling me Caitlin soon anyway."

"Uh, Altesa, nice to meet you," I said, shaking her hand with my eye-brows furrowed. "Why would I call you Caitlin-?"

Doctor Snow looked at me with an incredilous expression. "Oh. Sorry, I forgot we just met. You just seem so familiar that I completely misjudged our meet as a usual encounter," she stared inspecting me with her eyes, making me shift uncomftorably on my feet.

Okay. Not weird at all.

"You will probably call me Cailin, because it's my name," she explained and I let out a small "oh" sound. That makes way more sense.

"And I'm Cisco Ramone. But you can call me Cisco-man," the dark-haired man spoke with a smug smile, while Caitlin snorted. I laughed at the face Doctor Wells sent in Cisco way, making him lose his smile and widen his eyes. "Or Cisco. Cisco is fine."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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