“Hello, Ellie.” She heard a voice say from behind her, she turned around and was shocked because of who she saw.


     “Yeah,” She mumbled, “So you and that Geography teacher’s son?”

     “What about him?” Ellie questioned,

      “Well um, I hate to break this to you; but it’s never going to happen between you two...” Becky laughed with a crowded of followers behind her.

     “We’ve already happened.” Ellie said,

     “Look, Ellie.” Becky started, crossing her arms.


     “You’re so-called ‘best friend’, Chloe, told us everything. And um, you’re kind of a slut,” Becky giggled to herself,

     “Oh really?” Ellie cocked an eyebrow.

     “Yeah, really.” Becky smiled,

    “You’re making it sound like we had sex.” Ellie laughed to herself,

     “Don’t deny that you didn’t,” Becky replied, “Chloe told us you went all the way.”

     Ellie started walking away from Becky as she stood with a nasty smirk on her face, but her words stabbed her in the heart hearing what else Chloe had been lying about.

     Chloe told us everything.

     You’re so-called ‘best friend’.

     Her words ran through her brain over and over again. The day had only just started and the taunts where already happening...Because of Chloe as well.

     How could Chloe do this to me? Ellie questioned herself. Was I really that harsh to her?

     Meanwhile, in Will’s point of view, the day was starting off brilliant. Girls stood in corridors drooling over him; boys gave him handshakes and fist pounds. He felt like royalty. James walked over to him and gave him a man hug.

     “Hey man,” James greeted, “The girls love you, what have you done?”

     “Nothing that I know of, just gotten out of a relationship that I didn’t want to end?” Will replied,

      “Well, look at this Will; the girls love you, the boys look up to you, this or Ellie?” James asked.

     Will’s face was emotionless.

    This or Ellie?

     Even though Will wouldn’t admit it, he was still unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Ellie. Will looked down at the floor, then back up at James with a smile.

     “This,” He lied,

     “That’s my man,” James fist pounded him.

      A shooting pain ran through Will’s chest, he held his heart and let out a little moan.

    “You okay, Will?” James asked,

    “Yeah, I’m fine.” Will replied showing a smile. “Just weird, you know?”

     “All this attention for a shy guy like you?” James smirked with a chuckle in his tone, “Yeah, very weird.”

    Will wasn’t fine, even though the attention was amazing; all he wanted was that one person. The one person he felt he couldn’t have, he didn’t deserve. The one girl who he thought would hate him forever, but realistically can’t stand it without him. Ellie, he wanted Ellie.

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