Sam X Reader - So Cold

Start from the beginning

You run a hand through your (H/L) (H/C) hair as you let out a heavy sigh. Moments later she hands you a cup of fresh coffee and smiling at you says, "If you don't mind me askin' what's a pretty young girl like you doin at a café in the middle of the night drinkin' coffee?" Not meeting her eyes you say, "Thank you for the coffee." She lets out an angry huff as she turns and walks back down the counter to talk to the men in the kitchen. "Nosey old crone." You say leaning back against the chair and letting out a heavy sigh. 

You hear your phone ring and you quickly pull it out of your pocket and answering it say, "Yeah,"

 "_______, I just found out that someone else is hunting the same demon you are." 

Rolling your eyes you say, "And I care why?" 

"Well someone's in a bad mood."

 "Is there anything else you need?" You say hatefully as you feel yourself getting annoyed. 

"Yeah just in case you run into them their names are Sam and Dean Winchester." 

"I'll make a note." You say as you hang up the phone and toss it onto the bar.

Taking a sip of your coffee you look around to see only three other people in the café besides you. One was an older looking man with salt and pepper hair slowly eating his chicken fried steak. The other two men were sitting by themselves in a corner booth at the other end of the café. One had short spikey brown ash blonde hair; he looked like he was the one that owned the impala out front. The other caught your eye, with his shaggy brown hair. If your family was still alive and you weren't on a suicide mission you would have jumped at the chance to date him. 

"Would you like some more coffee?" You hear the lady ask and you nod as you turn your attention back to her. As she pours you more coffee you pull out some money and set it on the counter for her. You quickly drink the rest of your coffee and then stand up. As you do you bump into someone and big arms wrap around you to keep you from falling. You look up to see the man from the corner booth, his brownish green eyes gazing into your (E/C) ones. You find yourself frozen for a moment as he smiles down at you.

You hear someone say something and you quickly push him away from you and quickly make your way out of the café and back to the pickup. As you climb in you look back to see the tall man starting after you. You quickly throw the car in reverse and slam on the gas making the tires bark as they fight for contact on the parking lot pavement. As you throw the car in drive and head out into the road you let out a sigh of relief. It was only a few moments later when you realize your heart was racing. 

You punch your chest as you say, "Stop it you don't deserve to be happy, not while that bastard is still alive." Your heart continues to race and then the man's eyes and his smile pop back into your head making you blush slightly. "Dammit!" You yell out as you punch the steering wheel. You decide to find a motel and do some research before you jump head first into the coals. You drive until you reach a motel called the "Sunny Inn" you roll your eyes at the name but pull in anyway.

After an awkward moment with the receptionist you take your room key and slowly walk to your room. "Um excuse me?" You hear a voice say and you turn to see the tall man standing a few feet away from you. You reach into your bag and take hold of your pistol keeping it in your bag for now as you say, "What do you want?" You look up at him and hoped you wouldn't have to kill him. He reaches out to hand you something and you relax a little slowly taking it from him. When you look at it your heart drops, it was your family photo. "Where did you?" You say as you try to keep from crying. "You dropped it when we bumped into each other." You quickly stick it in your bag and turning back to him say, "Thank you." He nods and you turn and start to walk away from him when he reaches out and grabs your arm.

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