Sam X Reader - When You're Gone

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"Sick em' boys." You hear Lilith say and then the screaming starts. "Wake up!" You hear Sam say and you open your eyes to see Sam looking down at you with worry on his face. "______, It's okay it was just a dream." You feel tears fill your eyes and you wrap your arms around him. Sam holds you tightly to his body as you cry. "Did you have the dream again?" He asks and you nod. "I can't get it out of my head." He gently caresses your hair as he says, "I know, I can't either." You and Sam had done everything to save Dean only to be outsmarted by Lilith. She had pinned you and Sam up against the wall and made you watch as the hell hounds ripped him apart. It had been a few months since then and every night since then you had nightmares about it.

"______?" He says as he slowly pulls away from you. "Yes?" You say as you look up into his chocolaty green eyes. He clenches his jaw as he says, "I'm going to leave, tomorrow." Your eyes widen as you say, "What? Why?" He looks down at your hands wrapped in his and says, "I have to find some way to bring Dean back." You pull away from him and standing up say, "So you're leaving me?" He clenches his jaw as he says, "This was never gonna work out," You stumble backwards as you say, "What was I then, Just a game to you?" He looks away and you bite the inside of your mouth as the tears stop pouring from your eyes. "Fine, don't ever think about coming back to me." You say and pray that he would argue or show some kind of resentment but his face remained unreadable. You walk over and quickly putting your clothes on walk out of the motel room the two of you were using and quickly called your uncle, Bobby Singer.

"Yeah?" Bobby says as he answers the phone. "I'm coming home." 

"You okay?" He says sensing the sadness in your voice. 

"No, I'll be home in a few hours." 

Before he can reply you hang up the phone and walking back into the motel room quickly pack your bags. You don't even glance at Sam as you grab your bags and walk out the door slamming it behind you. After a trip to the bus station and a long bus ride you found yourself staring at the house you grew up in after your parents died. As you walk toward the house you see your uncle standing on the front porch waiting for you. "Hey bobby," You say as you force a smile. "Hey ________," He replies and you smile, you had missed you uncle. He had been pretty hurt by Dean's death but he had kept it together. "How about a drink?" He asks as he takes your bag from you. "Just like old times," You say and he smirks at you.

You fell back into your old regime helping out in cases and doing research when help was needed. Almost a year after Dean's death you heard a knock on the door and open it to see Dean staring back at you. "Hey half-pint," He says and you are about to hug him but are pulled back by Bobby as he tosses holy water on him. "Bobby?!" You yell out as you turn back to your uncle. Bobby quickly makes Dean do all these tests and after he passes them all you and Bobby wrap your arms around him. When you pull away Dean turns to you and says, "Where's Sammy?" You smile fades as you say, "Don't know, and don't care." You turn and start to walk away from him when Bobby grabs your arm and pulls you back. "Stop being a brat." You jerk your arm out of his grasp and say a little louder than anticipated, "I'm not doing this Bobby! I'm not, and you can't make me!"


"Why am I coming again?" You say as you lean forward in the car asking Dean. "Because, if he's gonna listen to anyone it's gonna be you." 

"Pfft, yeah right." You say as you throw yourself back against the seat.

 "What did he do that's got you pissed at the world?" Dean asks and you quickly tell him about you falling out with Sam and he raises an eyebrow. "I didn't expect that to happen." 

"Yeah, well it did!" You fold your arms over your chest and turn to look out the window.

"I don't understand, Sam's in love with you." 

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