Dean X Reader - Thinking Of You (One Shot)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I'm safe."

"Good, be right there." He hangs up the phone and you sigh as you hang yours up. "What the hell?" Marie says as she runs over to you and helps you up.

"Someone was after me," You say as you walk over to the door and look out the window checking to see if he was still after you. "What do you mean, like stalker or?" you turn toward her and roll your eyes, "Like Murderer!" Her eyes widen as she says, "Did you call the cops?" You let out a sigh as you look down at your phone. "I called my own version of the cops." You hear someone call out and Marie reply then you turn to her and she smiles. "How about a cup of coffee?" You chuckle as you say, "How bout a beer?" 


Almost an hour later you heard the sound of the familiar motor pull up outside. You take a swig of your tenth beer and wait for him to come inside. You hear the jingle of the doorbell and turn to see the man you had been hopelessly in love with only a year earlier. The old feelings start to come back as you down the last of your beer. "_______, are you okay?" He says pulling your chin towards him to examine your face for any injury. 

"Hello Dean," You say avoiding his eyes. 

"Dammit ________ Look at me!" 

Against your better judgment you look up into his emerald green eyes and the tears start pouring. You throw your arms around him and pull him close taking in the smell of whiskey and apple pie. 

"_______, it's okay." 

"Dean, I'm so sorry! I should've believed you! I'm so sorry!"

 "________, Can we talk outside?" He says as he pulls away. You look up at him with a confused look on your face and then say, "Yeah, sure." You push past him and walk outside.

 When you two are alone he grabs you and pulls you into a tight hug making you gasp for air. "Dean, I can't breathe?!" He loosens his grip just a little bit but still holds onto you. You wrap your arms around him and silently cry into his leather coat. "Dean, I can't tell you how sorry I am. I should've listened or at least have tried to listen."

"Let's not talk about that right now. I'm just glad that bloodsucker didn't get you." You shudder as the memory passes through your mind. "Believe me I am too."

You feel him reach up and caress your hair and you suddenly relax at his touch. "Dean," You say as you pull away from him. "Thank you for coming, I didn't know who else to call." You watch as his face darkens with sadness making your heart clench. 

"I understand, why don't we go back to your place and check for the blood sucker?" He says and you nod as you walk around and climb into the passenger seat. As you do the leather sends a memory flashing through your brain. You quickly put it out of your mind as you wait patiently until you make it to your house. "Wait here." Dean says as he climbs out of the car. "Like hell I will!" You say climbing out of the Impala, following him to the trunk. When he opens it you see his arson of weaponry. "Is this all for killing evil sons of bitches?" He smirks at your sudden interest as he says, "Most," You smile as your reach down and pick up a sawed off shotgun.

"No wonder you made me buy a Taser." You say as you run your fingers across the cold metal. He quickly takes the gun from you and gives you a strange look you had only seen him give his brother. "Here if you're coming carry this and this," He hands you a machete and a syringe full of what looked like blood. "What's in the syringe?" you say cringing away from it for your fear of needles. He smiles as he remembers your fear, "Dead man's blood, it's like poison to them." You nod as you slowly take the syringe and look back at him. "Okay let's go, stay close okay?" You nod and tightly grip the back of his coat as you two make your way to your house. The two of you slowly walk through every room in the house until Dean is certain the vamp is gone.

"Okay you're clear, it must've moved on since you outran it. By the way how did you do that?" You smile as say, "I used to be in track, let's just say I broke a few records." He smiles as he says, "That's my girl." Your smile fades as you look to see pictures of you and Colin hanging a few feet away. "Dean, thank you." He follows your gaze to the pictures and he clenches his jaw. "This the new guy?" He says as he points toward Colin's picture. You nod as you say, "Yeah, his names Colin, he's a farmer." Dean lets out a chuckle and you feel your temper flare. "What's so funny?" 

"Nothing, just can't believe you fell for a farmer." You roll your eyes as you hand him the machete and syringe. 

"It's none of your business Dean." 

"If it has something to do with you then it is my business!" He says a little louder than he meant to.

"Really?!" You yell out slowly moving closer to him. "And how do you think anything that has to do with me is your business?" 

He closes the distance between the two of you as he says, "Because I love you!" You heart cries out for him as you find yourself staring at his lips. You look up into his eyes and find yourself unable to control yourself as you reach up and pull his head toward yours, your lips finding his. You feel his hands reach up and tightly grip into your hair deepening your kiss, the taste of whiskey invades your mouth like a tsunami. Dean reaches down and lifts you up into the air allowing you to wrap your legs around him. Moments later you feel the softness of your bed beneath your back. 

All of the sudden you hear a creak in your doorway and turn to see Colin standing there his eyes wide with anger and betrayal. You quickly push Dean away as you say, "Colin, it's not what it looks like!" Colin rushes into the room and rips Dean off of you throwing him against the wall. "Colin please don't hurt him!" You cry out as you run over and place yourself between the two men. 

"What the hell ________, I get a call from Marie telling me that some creep tried to murder you and then I come here to find you with this guy!" 

You gulp down a breath of air as you say, "Colin, this is Dean..." Colin freezes as he looks back and forth between the two of you. "This is the Dean?" You nod and watch as Colin relaxes a little bit. "Well I guess I kind of always knew that it would end up this way." He turn to look at you his Icy eyes staring at you the sadness and heartbreak clear on them. 

"Colin, I'm so sorry I just..." He puts his hand up as he says, "It's okay, I understand completely. I'm not gonna say I'm not a little broken hearted about this but if my ex-wife was still alive I would jump at the chance to be with her again." You walk over and hug him tight as you say, "Thank you for understanding." He tightens his grip on you then quickly releases you and quickly walks out of the house. Your heart clenches as you hear the door close behind him. Dean wraps his arms around you and says, "I love you ______." You smile as you turn toward him and say, "I love you too Dean Winchester." He smiles down at you and as if proving your love to each other spend the night in bed making love to each other.

The words 'I love you' being said over and over again in your head as if you were replaying you favorite song.

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