Chapter 11 - The Beginning

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​I turn around and behind me stands Ms. Crimson, her hair radiating a fiery red in the early morning light. She strides toward me in those high heels. How can she even walk in those, the entire Pit is made of mud, dirt, and decaying leaves.

​"There you are. I have some files I need delivered to the guard house north east of here."

​She hands me a black binder with a butt load of papers inside. A delivery, this early in the morning? I just got to my secluded little space along the river and the witch is making me work already. How does she always manage to find me?

​"Sure, thing." I reply taking the binder from her.

​"Make it quick."

​Yes, your wickedness. I think to myself. She would have a fit if she heard that.

​I turn to leave when the director grabs my arm. "Those are very important. Do not lose any of them."

​I nod carefully and start running toward the guard house understanding the threat that was implied. Does she think I can't do one simple thing? Sure, I lost some papers once, but that was only because I tripped and the wind took them. That was forever ago though, I can't believe she still remembers. It's not like it was my fault, the tree's root was in my path, I didn't see it because I was running, and the next thing I know I have a mouth of dirt. It wasn't the highlight of my day either.

​My legs don't go as fast as they usually do. Last night was just too much. That induction or whatever the creep called it exhausted me. I don't even remember going to bed, I only woke up there. Once I left my room to go to the bathroom, Sophie pounced on me while bawling her eyes out. That was only the beginning.

​At breakfast, three girls ran over to me and hugged me like there was no tomorrow. It made a big scene, some people stared at us and others laughed. At first I didn't even recognize them, but after listening to their mumbling, it turns out they were the three girls I pushed into the river.

​I sat with Messy and his crew, all of them talking about last night. Apparently, they all left after the tree climbing and missed what happened after. I was glad that they weren't there to see me embarrass myself and when they asked for details, I refused to tell. That is until Messy grabbed my ankles and held me upside down until I caved and gave them details. All of them died of laughter and thought what I did was stupid. It was, I will give them that, but I couldn't just stand by and ignore them.

​Breakfast wasn't all that bad and the topic almost blew over until the creep walked behind me. I didn't even notice until Messy tapped me. The creep put his lips to my ear and whispered, "Don't think this is over. You ruined my game, I will ruin you."

​With that he bit my ear and left, not before I elbowed his ribcage and earned a death look. Messy told the guys what happened between us. None of them laughed. Perfekt said his name was Mason, level three. The same as Messy. Guess I just made the worst guy possible angry.

​Slowly, I brought my run to a walk, just thinking about it made me tired. Complicated stuff is exhausting and too much to deal with. I hope it blows over soon.

​I moved the binder from one hand to the other as I walked down the path. I missed my hand and the binder fell to the floor. It was bound to happen. I picked it up and took a peek inside, the first page read, Confidential.

​Well, if it says that... now I just have to look at it.

​I flip through a few pages, finding nothing all that special until I stumble upon a list of names with a number next to them. Alix, Cole, Anita, Tamera, Kamala, Arnold, Lea, Abraham, Merri, Cherish, Alia, Reva, Antonio, Dennis, Peggy, Kattie, Brianne, and on. I don't think much of it, then I see my name. Tereska with the page number fifty behind it.

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