Black Apple Part 2

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June 4 4:00
When I walked through the front door I saw mom at the dining table looking weary. She must have had a hard shift at the office. I walked over and placed the envelope with the black Apple on the table. My mom saw it and immediately ripped it open she always hopes its a letter saying they were transferring me back to Mayfield. Her tired eyes scanned it over and then she was sobbing and left the room. I snatched the abandoned letter off the table and I saw what she saw....

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Henderson,
Your daughter has been displaying quite obnoxious behavior that is not up to standers with the Red Falls rules I'm afraid to say I am ordering her expulsion effective Monday. I am sorry but we can no longer contain this type of behavior. We have decided her best option is homeschooling. There she can be in an environment were she can be watched 24/7. I am sorry for the inconvenience we will allow her to pick up her things on Monday morning before school to avoid suspicion and to allow you to sign release forms. We wish for the best for the best for her future and yours. She will be missed at the school and I hope for the best. You have until Monday, June 7 at 9:00 to pick up her things and sign the release forms. Thank you for your cooperation in this process.
Ian Custurd

It was cus TURD I knew it he was always out for me. I should have known he find some way to expell me. He was probaly giddy with glee writing this. You know what that is why I did not get my talk I was never coming back after Monday and that was made pretty clear by the tone of the letter. I know my mom is furious because for the second time in my life I actually had no comfirmed future and for the second time it was my fault , but for the first time no one was there to deny it.

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