second period

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In first period i met this girl name Ciara she was fine it was some about her she not like all these other hoes i said and as i was walking towards my locker i seen ciara i walked up to her and said do u wanna me to walk u to your class ma i said she told me yeah sure she said. I looked at her schedule and said damn ma i said you got the same shedule as mine and she started blushing and held her head down i told her lift her head up pretty girls like you don't hide their smiles.


We went in second period i sat in the front and tre sat in the bck as i looked around i seen my friend meme she started smiling i turned around and seen the hoe of the school wich is kaylen talking to tre he was irritated so i got up and went bck there he got up and as we was walking out she flipped me off so i didnt even care he went to his locker i went to mine. When i turned around there stood kaylen the hoe of the school and her ass holes stood around me. She told me dont fuck with my man and i said if i do what the fuck your gonna do about it. She put her stuff down and came in my face she hit me. So i took her by her hair and slung her on the ground and beat her in her face she just laid, there so i stood up and asked her hoes do they want to fight to cause we can. They look at me terrified and ran down the just as i was turning around tre and meme walked up and said what happen to the bitch kaylen i told them what happen and tre said why bitches and hoes always claiming me.after he said that kaylen stood up and said fuck you bitch i told her to close her mouth because i smell dick coming out of it and she said alright and bitch again i said you the one who just got yo ass whoop and your scary ass monkey little friends ran and left your ass so bye and catch up with them i said.she started crying and ran down the hall i seen my auntie who was the principal call me in her office she asked did i win i told her hell yeah it runs in the family i told her. She told me dont let it happen again. I said okay and went to lunch where everyone was i saw kaylen and her ass holes she was mean mugging me so i flicked her off and got my lunch. I sat at the table with meme and then tre and his niggas came over. After lunch we all went back to class.

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