"Well hello there" He greeted smirking as he pulling me in kissing me.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were going Soho with Ethan?" I asked, he was meant to go to Soho House which is like some posh house that you have a tour off and you can't use your phone in there. A lot of celebrities go there too.

"Well, Ethan was pissing me off so I left and now I'm here" he explained shutting the door behind him.

"What happened?" I asked as we walked back to my couch were I was filming.

"He's just taking ages to get ready and keeps making excuses as to why he can't come" he groaned rolling his eyes.

"Well, maybe you'll get happy knowing your going to be in my video" I smiled innocently as I pulled him down on the couch next to me, "Graysons here guys," I stated the obvious as he lazily sat on the couch waving.

"Sup guys" he spoke sorting his hair out before putting his snapback back on backwards.

"Okay, back to the video since Grayson rudely interrupted me" I joked but putting a serious face on, "she paid me to be here" he joked but making it seem believable.

My mouth formed a 'O' as he laughed, "kay, he's lying" I laughed sitting comfortably.

"Okay next question!" I purposely sshiuted that because he was going to open his mouth and say something else.

"If you could have any weird item from a mythical movie, what would you want?"

"Well that's obvious for me, I'd have the invisibility cloak Harry Potter has" I confidently said as if it was the most normal thing ever.

"Well that's stupid" Grayson said "Why?!" I argued looking at the camera and then at Grayson who was already looking at me.

"Well if you were invisible, everyone would hate you because knowing you, you'd probably sneak up to them and listen to what they are saying, or steal there pizza" he explained making me roll my eyes.

"Well what would you have then?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Uhm, I'd have the snake from Harry Potter, you know the one Voldermort keeps as a freaking pet" He exaggerated the 'P' in pet making me laugh.

"You don't even like Harry Potter, and the snakes name is Nageni" I replied with sass.

"You're a nerd" He joked poking my nose, "moving on" I laughed looking through twitter on my phone to see any other interesting questions.

"What colour would you like to dye your hair too?"

"I dunno if I wanna dye my hair, I mean," I said as I looked down at my hair picking it up by the ends.

"I wanna do it like a purple dip dye for Coachella but I not permanent cos I like my ombre" I shrugged looming back at the camera.

"Well I already dyed my hair a strak of blondish brown in the top so" Grayson showed his hair taking his snapback off.

"Why don't you dye that one bit like, green, since its your favourite colour" I said running my hand through his hair.

"Wouldn't that look like... I've got some boogers in my hair?" He asked putting his snapback back on.

"I don't think so" I laughed as he actually was serious.

"Okay last question for this video," I said looking through twitter.

"I wanna pick one" Grayson said, "Go on then" I replied giving him my phone.

He scrolled through my twitter taking his time as I patiently waited just staring at the camera with my chin in the palm of my hand, he was taking a while to pick one.

"Kiss Grayson" he read out the 'question', he picked making me look at him as he cheekily grinned at me.

"I don't think that's a question" I stated teasing him.

"It is to me" He laughed before he placed his lips on mine and kissed, we kissed for seconds until I pulled away because I knew he would make it a heated make out session and my camera would still be recording.

"Okay that is it for this video, sorry for my lack of effort in this video, but next week I will be uploading some really good videos so, look forward to that, umm, comment if you want me and Gray to do another video together and what you want to see us do" I said putting my hand under Grayson's chin as he smiled wide putting a thumbs up sign.

"Thanks for watching and yeah, bye! Love you" I smiled. I got up and then stopped recording, I turned off the lights I used for filming and just left everything there because I was lazy.

I went and sat next to Grayson who was too busy looking through my twitter on my phone. Typical.

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