Lex's Evil Plan

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-Jor-El Appears-

*So Kal-El, you finally found the key to rebuild Krypton. Well I must assure you that this key - you have to use it wisely otherwise we don't know what might happen to Earth. But 1 Fact about it:

Humans can live around this atmosphere. But you cannot. You are special. You breathe Earth's atmosphere but you are originally from Krypton. You will be weak. It is so because you spent 35 years adapting to Earth's ecology. Well then, I must wish you good luck.*

"Who is this Kal-El?" Lex asked himself.

-Lex goes back to his secret base-

He opens his laptop and goes to Google.

-He searches "Kal El"-

41 Results found in 0.48 miliseconds.

Kal El [Wikipedia] 

Kalel Recipe [www.foodierecipes.com]

Kon El [www.japantech.com]

See more results ...

-He clicks Kal El [Wikipedia]-


The man who came from a different planet : Kal El apparently is stronger than any other human being. Everyone feared him to be the villian as General Zod another man like Kal El  came to earth to rebuild the so called planet "Krypton". Scientists and astronauts spent the last 2 years to find Krypton. During the search, sadly we came to know that Krypton had perished 35 years ago. But Kal El  and General Zod with his gang were only remaining survivors. Then Kal El fought General Zod and stopped him from changing Earth to Krypton. Then Kal El had a new name : Superman [or] Man of Steel.

See the story of "Superman and General Zod" <-- Click Here --> "Superman and General Zod"

"So he is from Krypton. And Krypton's atmosphere is his weakness. Metropolis had no crime for the past year because of him. If I rebuild Krypton - I can eliminate Superman . 

-He clicks on "Superman and General Zod" and reads the whole story-

"Lois Lane?" He asks himself.

-He searches "Lois Lane"-

10 Results in 0.32 Seconds.

Lois Lane [www.dailyplanet.com/workers]

Lois Lane [Wikipedia]

Lois Lane - The Love of Superman [www.whatsgoingon.com/dailynews/LoisLane]

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-He researches and finally has his conclusion-

He says in his mind: So now I know his weakness. 2 in fact - Lois Lane - The air of Krypton.

Well Superman. I think you have to say goodbye to that name. I don't think you are super anymore. Metropolis will be able to make crime once you are gone. 

-He gives an evil smile-

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