Comp 9 - D I S E N Y

16 4 2

* Bobathekitten for your competition D I S E N Y *

We jump on the plush cushions, me giggling into his thin T shirt.

" OK, ok I get to choose the film " he announces, sticking his hand in the air for emphasise.

" NOOOOOO " I wail dramatically, falling on top of him, causing him to tumble onto his back, me on top of him.

" Why should I let you choose? " He asks, wriggling his eyebrows at me.

Why would he? I open my mouth but no words come out. He stares intently at me eyes, then suddenly a mischievous grins plasters his face and he pulls a feather from behind his back.

Why did I get a cat again?

Before I could move away he grabs me by the arm and begins to tickle me sending sensations up mu body. It was glorious torture.

" Cole.. " I moan, grabbing his arm as he begins to spider his hands up my back. Curse the day he found out I was ticklish.

" Stop.. " I beg, supressing my tortured laughter.

" Ok " I freeze. There had to be a catch.

" Sit up " He orders in a monotone voice that sounded surprisingly like my mothers. I do as he sais hesitantly.

" Answer my question, Why should I let you pick? " He asks, a serious expression on his face. His legs were wrapped around my waist. We were so close.

" Because.. " I answer, racking my brain for a conclusion. One comes to me and I stop. Could I really say it? Did he really? I look into those chocolate swirls of his eyes and lean in. Kissing him deeply. Fireworks explode around me. He pulls me closer so no space was in between us. His fingers leave burning marks on my skin where he touches me, lacing my hair.

I pull at his T shirt, pulling us closer than humanly possible. Barely separating for a breath we carry on. My T shirt chucked over my head.

We separate for breath gasping. This time I'm sure now. I wait for my breath to come back before answering. My voice confident.

" Because you love me "

He breaks into a smile


" I can show you the world.. " Cole sings, in mimic of Aladdin's song. I chuck my sock at him.

" Don't insult Jasmine's hunk of a man!" I screech seriously.

" A whole new world.." He screams running around the room, almost stepping on Jazmin, my cat. Poor cat, I already had to move my off her head today, and yes. I named her after a Disney princess. Don't Judge me.

" That's it! " I scream. Its one step insulting Aladdin but my favourite Disney character.

I run after him, jumping on his back in weak attempt to topple him over. Unfortunately, he goes to the gym. He grabs my legs and swings me over his shoulder.

" Sing it! " He yells, swinging me round in a circle. The blood began to flow to my head. I try to scream a confident never but I came out as " Nvr.. "

He laughs, holding me in place. Watching my face turn the shade of a tomato.

" Fine " I sigh. Secretly I thanked him for it, I loved this song and singing.

" A whole new world, a dazzling place I never new but when I'm way up here its crystal clear that now I'm in a whole new world with y... "

I got cut of by a mouth slamming into my own. I greet it greedily. Opening my mouth, letting him in.

This is why I loved Jasmine.

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