Comp 5- Mushy stuff

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* NationalReader for your competition mushy romance stuff *

I sit rocking back and forth on my chair, my hands posed upon my keyboard. What's that word? Ima? Poma? Ahh! This is so frustrating! I stare at my wattpad screen and a blank page stares back. Writers block sucks! I close my laptop lid down frustrated, I grab my phone from my wooden desk and scroll through notifications when one catches my eye.

Kyle&zebra4life started following you
1 minute ago

I push away my thoughts of Kyle and scroll through his profile, I mean, the name Kyle is common and everyone loves zebras.. its not like I'm the only one with the nick name.

I click onto his works, one, called princess let down your hair. Struggling to surpress my laughter I click on it curiously, and I begin to read.

Once upon a time there was a zebra called zia who lived in a home. A kangaroo, Kyle, did something silly.

I bite my tongue, remembering. Sadness and betrayel flickers through me, threatening tears to spill.

Kyle wanted to make that something right so one night he crept to her window and called "zebbie zebbie let your beautiful mane down so I can see art thou face"

I smile thinking of how he quoted Shakespeare everyday, then I sadden, I hadn't seen him in a week.

The beautiful zebra trotted down from her apartment hooves clicking elegantly.

OK, he is definately talking about someone else. Me? Elegant? Anything but.

She waltzed up to the kangaroo and kissed, made kids, married and lived happily ever after.

Was he suggesting something!? Tired of the Indirect apologie I turn my light off, burrowing in my sorrowful thoughts.


* Crack *

I sit up in bed, my heart pounding.

* Crack *

I glance at the window pane as it continues to get hit by rocks. I grab my baseball bat and hesitantly move towards the window,I push my ear against the cool glass and wait.

" Zai " A faint whisper echos through the glass. My heart flutters for a moment and I drop the baseball bat, waiting for him to say more, something to convince me to come out.

" Zai I swear to god if you don't come out now i will.." That's enough. I push open my window, trying to mask my pleased expression. This is to cliché.

" What Kyle? " I yell down at him, wincing at my volume. He pauses before producing a basket of roses.

The wind faintly brushes my blond hair against my face, tickling my nose. The night so silent, so beautiful, it over whelmed me as I stand there staring at his blond stocky frame.

" Will art thou come from the wall? " He quotes nervously. I smile, a warmth spreads over me filling me up like a drink. I'm about to leave when I notice I haven't told him what I'm doing.

" I am NOT climbing out of my window" I whisper before scampering down the stairs silently. This can be cliché but not to THAT extent, that would just be sad. I open the front door, letting the cold night air wash over me, causing me to shiver. I glance down at my clothes, panda shorts and and t-shirt, sexy. I rake my hand through my hair but stop mid-way. Why am I doing this?

I round the corner, my expression neutral. His familiar face greets me and my eyes are drawn to his lips, I'm familiar with every line, the taste, the sha.. Stop! I pull my eyes away from his lips to his eyes, sky blue.

" Uh.. " he mutters nervously fiddling with his colour, his nervous habit. " I didn't think you would actually come.." I watch his hands as he hands me the flowers and I have an urge to hold them, to touch them. I resist the temptations and my hands fidget in protest. My body seemed to crave his touch. I shiver in the cold air.

He steps forward but I step back. I watch his expression fall, but something seems to click as he looks up to the full moon.

" Will.. Will you come with me? " he asks cautiously, holding out his hand. I nodded slowly but take his hand quickly, I hope he didn't notice. He wraps his suit jacket over my eyes, covering them. I feel him lead me forward, my bare feet covering wet grass but all I can think about is his hand on mine and how I'm not cold any more.

Eventually we come to a stop and I smell salt. As he pulls away the blind fold I almost know where we are already. The familiar scene greats me. The cliff. On the cliff side the blossom tree hangs with the swing on, flowers curving around it in a horse shoe, then the ocean with its unbelievable view. My heart warms, making me tingle.

I sit down on the swing and he follows suit next to me. All of the hairs on my arm stand on end as our sides touch.

" I'm sorry " I turn around to see tears running down his face, I don't say any thing, I let him go on.

" This last week has been hell without you, I'm sorry that I said it, if I could change it I would but.. " I listen to him and I feel warm tears on my cheeks to.

" Shhh " I whsiper and slowly, heistantly I lean over and kiss all the places where his tears are. My mouth tastes salty when I pull away but I don't mind. I stare into those enchanting blue eyes of his and lean forward. Like gravity was making us fall into each other, to connect like a puzzle piece.

When we kiss its like fireworks explode, electricity flows through us. A bomb could of went off and we wouldn't of noticed. its crazy to think how much I had missed this. We lean into each other, trying to be one. The kiss gets more frantic hungry and we roll onto the grass, savouring each other.

When we pull away it only seemed that moments had passed and yet, I knew I had to go soon. I kissed the tip of his nose as if to say see you soon but he grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me forward. This kiss was slow, savoured and sweet. much different from the last. I reach up to his mop of hair and run my hands throug it, it feels good, right, normal.

I had missed this so much

I would make sure that i woudln't miss this again

* I hope you like and 1102 words! Achievement! Please enjoy, romance isn't my first choice to write about! I still loved writing it though! *

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