I collapsed onto the bed and lazily threw my phone beside me. It was late, and I was exhausted and annoyed at Ella for being so secluded and untrustworthy towards me. Why did she have to go back and call that friend of hers? What was he going to do for her from another state?

Growing even angrier at the whole situation from my thoughts made me sit upright on the bed and put my phone in the charger beside the bed. Shrugging off my jacket, I climbed under the sheets and tried to get some sleep.


I woke up again for the third time in the night, getting frustrated that a guilty feeling was prodding at the pit of my stomach over the way I reacted with Ella. I left her alone at one of the most crucial times she needed someone. It was a dick move, and my subconsciousness was not letting me forget it.

My phone lit up with a phone call just as I turned to check the time. Squinting, I turned the brightness down and looked at the time. It was nearly 5AM. And Ella was calling.

Seeing her name had my blood boiling again. I hung up before answering; not in the mood to talk to her right now. Knowing her too well however, I had a feeling she was going to call back. Sending her a quick text asking what she wanted, I waited for her reply.

A few seconds later, my phone buzzed again: where are you? It's almost 5am.

So she was allowed to disappear at night without me asking any questions but I wasn't? I quickly sent back a reply: sleeping at my dad's house. Don't wait for me.

It took her a little longer to respond this time. Why?

Because you annoyed me and I can't escape you because we fucking live together.

I didn't mean to be that harsh, and I reread my own reply to her several times before typing a quick apology. My finger hovered over the send button as I noticed she didn't respond; making me delete the words I wrote and lock my phone. Great, she was pissed at me.

I thought back to Martha's words last night. As much as I hated to admit it, the woman was right. Ella was the only girl I could tolerate enough to actually fall in love with. I sat upright as the realisation of my words sunk in.

Fuck. There was no way I just said that in my head because it was not true. I loved about three people in my life and Ella was not one of them.

But apparently, she was. It was a different type of love. It wasn't the same as the love I felt for my family or Annie. It was different – stronger. I sat upright in my bed and ran by fingers through my hair. What was I still doing in bed? I was starving, and had a girlfriend I had to go torture.

I quickly slipped my shoes back on and grabbed my jacket while quietly opening my bedroom door. The house was dead quiet, and I let out a small breath of relief. I wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone right now.

I made my way downstairs and stopped abruptly when I found light streaming from the doorway of the kitchen. Clenching my jaw in annoyance, I turned in the opposite direction to leave the house however, my stomach grumbled loudly; making my stomach take over my rational thinking.

I grudgingly walked into the kitchen expecting to see my father sitting at the kitchen bench drinking coffee, ready for work. Instead, I was face with Martha's surprised expression. "I didn't know you were an early bird as well." She murmured quietly.

"I'm not." I responded, walking past her and going to the fridge.

"Couldn't sleep then?" She asked.

I grabbed the milk and closed the fridge before turning to glare at her. "Really. I'd like it if I could just eat my breakfast in peace."

She sighed and pushed her mug forward. "Caleb. I've been trying to get you to accept me as your family from the moment I've met you. I haven't done anything bad to you and I've treated you with nothing but kindness and respect all these years. All I ask from you is a little tolerance towards me. Is that too much to ask?"

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