He tutted. "C'mon, I'm different now, you can see it, can't you? I just want to talk, that's all."

Peter had always been the persuasive kind of person, I knew this, but I let him sway me anyway. I backed up a step.

"'Kay, but only for five minutes, then you've got to leave," I let him follow me to the couch, where we sat on opposite ends, eyeing each other. I pick at my nails as Peter just stares at me, like I'm sort of exhibit in a museum, or a lab experiment. I exhale, impatient. He still makes me nervous. "So, what did you want to say to me?"

A tense silence follows, or, at least for me. Peter looks like he's right at home on the couch in an apartment he's never been in, across from an ex he almost killed, he looked like there was nothing odd about this situation at all.

Not to mention, he kind of had a restraining order. He's not supposed to be anywhere near me intentionally. We both knew this; yet here he was.

Peter cleared his throat, turning to face me more. "I've been thinking."

That's a first.

He continued, oblivious (you would hope) to my internal commentary. "I've been thinking about us."

I swallowed. This was not good.

His eyes broke from mine and scanned the apartment. "I'm a changed man, you know. I'm out of jail, I've got a job, I have an apartment, I'm clean."

He looked at me like he was expecting me to have a reaction. He was probably expecting me to smile, maybe congratulate him, at least look surprised or impressed at how he's seemingly turned his life around. But I gave him none of that, I could feel that my expression - which I hoped was blank - was set in stone.

His smile faltered a bit, and his face became more composed. "What I'm saying, Heidi, is that I'm a changed man." He paused. "I want to start over, I want us to start over. I know we can do this again. Don't you agree? Will you start again with me?"

Don't I agree? To hell with me agreeing with Peter's proposal. This guy was batshit crazy. Did he really think that I would agree to getting back with the ex that nearly killed me and went to jail? Really? And of course, not to mention the restraining order, and I didn't fancy walking into court again any time soon, and oh yeah, I have a boyfriend.

I decided to not let my inner thoughts be spoken. I just looked at him, frowning. "You're nuts."

Things changed quickly then. Peter stood up, all composition lost from his face. "What do you mean? No! I'm not nuts."

I stood up too, crossing my arms. "Perhaps not, but there isn't a chance in hell you're ever going to be with me again."

Peter stepped forwards, arm shooting out  and gripping my wrist. "I'm the best you're ever going to get Heidi, don't you see that?!" He snarled, talking through clenched teeth.

I attempted to shake his grip off, but he was strong. "Let go of me!"

He shook his head. "No! I won't let go until you give me one good reason why you won't get back with me."

Couldn't this guy see that what he wanted was insane? I could always tell him that I had a boyfriend, which I do, but I didn't want to throw that reason too quickly. I wanted Peter to leave me alone because I wanted him to.

"Because I said so Peter! I don't want you! I don't love you anymore! You tried to kill me - isn't that enough of a reason for me to never want to see your face ever again?" I yelled.

Peter was about to retaliate, when I heard my door click open again, and Jamie decided to make his presence known. "Hey babe, who's here?"

He stopped dead upon seeing Peter, who still had an iron grip on my arm.

Learning To Love - Jamie Campbell BowerWhere stories live. Discover now