Chapter Three

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I walked down the stairs and headed over to Trevor and Delilah. "Where were you?" Delilah questioned immediately.
"My room getting ready," I told her the half truth. Suddenly, I smelled something like a coconut scent. The scent of our mates are our favorite scent, so we will know who our mate is. Since I'm not yet eighteen, he must be eighteen. I knew it wasn't Drake because I was with him earlier, so he must be a lower ranking in the McIntyre Pack. Hopefully at least Beta.
"I smell him," I whispered.
"But you're not eighteen yet?" Delilah questioned. Trevor had walked off to join his group of male friends, so it was just Delilah and me.
"He has to be," I stated the obvious. "I hope he's a Beta."
"Hanna, it doesn't matter. He's your mate, so ranking doesn't matter," she scolded me. She's the type of person that is in love with the idea of love. She can't wait to find her mate.
"Yea, yea," I waved my hand carelessly. "I wanna make him jealous though," I went to get Drake and pulled him back to Delilah. I whispered in his ear, "You're my date tonight." He nodded back and put his arm around my waist. The music started to play and the party has officially started. My birthday was in a week, so I would find who my mate was them. Delilah looked at me with disappointed eyes as Drake held my waist.
For the next few hours, we just walked around and talked about random things. I had really hoped Drake was my mate, he was an Alpha and understood the responsibilities. I knew he wasn't my mate, but a girl could dream. He was strong, smart, and attractive, too. He made me laugh a lot over the next few hours. We went up to my room after the party and while I undressed into shorts and a tanktop to sleep, I made him wait outside my door. He had changed in the bathroom. We laid in my bed and just talked and made jokes. I positioned myself so my head was on his chest. I really wished he was my mate. And not just because he's an Alpha. I really liked him. He cares and understands.

I woke up the next morning to Drake gone. I had already expected this, so I was fine with it. I got up and hurried to my room, catching a glance at one of the Omegas from McIntyre. I didn't know his name. I glared at him and said, "Tell no one you saw me like this." Then I opened my door and hurried in for a shower. I realized I smelled the faint scent of coconut, but it faded away as I entered the bathroom.

After my shower, I got in some gym shorts and sports bra. I walked into Delilah's room and jumped on her bed, "Delilah!"
"What should we do for my eighteenth?"
"Party! Get you out of your professional mode," she laughed.
I playfully glared at her for it, "Yea, okay." We walked out of the room and decided to go to the training room. One of the most elite warriors, Kymberly, trained me and Kymberly's sister, Amanda, trained Delilah. I saw that Omega from earlier training with Kymberly and I felt my blood rise and my fists clench, but I breathed deeply out and unclenched my fists. Delilah walked over to Amanda and started talking while I went over to Kymberly.
"Excuse me, Omega, but Kymberly is my mentor and trainer, and just train now." I shooed him away 'politely.' He looked at me with surprise, but turned and left. I turned to Kym, who avoided eye contact with the Omega, and she said, "We should work on our wolf fighting." I nodded and shifted at the same time as her. We circled each other with our hackles raised, completely focused on each other. My wolf was pure black with only a white diamond shaped mark on my chest. My mate will have the same when the same mark me and I will have his scent mixed with my own. Honestly, I couldn't wait for my mate. To be loved in that way, I couldn't wait for it. Hopefully, he's in my own pack or in the McIntyre Pack. My father has arranged so that on my birthday, I will see all of the boys in the territory. I just hope my mate isn't one of those filthy, low ranking Omegas. Those Omegas aren't good for anything except getting in the way. I wouldn't get married to an Omega. I would just  marry someone else. Marrying an Omega, especially with my rank, is shameful. My mother, however, disagrees.
I noticed Kym's body tense, so I tensed and lunged at her. I pinned her body down and we fought it out.
"Okay, we're done for now," she said, still in wolf form through our mind link. I nodded and trotted off. My tail and head were held high, showing my rank. I passed that Omega from earlier and growled slightly. To my surprise, he dared to speak. "Why don't you like me?"
I just rolled my eyes, flicked my tail, and trotted off. I felt his eyes on me, like he knew something about me that I didn't know about myself. I felt his eyes still trained on me in while I was in wolf form, so I spun around while shifting to human at the same time. I had been right, he was still watching me.
"Why do you keep watching me?" I snapped at him and took a step forward.
"You're the future Luna, it's the pack's job to watch over you." He answered my question somewhat.
"You're not in my pack," I growled.
"I am not, but, I am in your territory, so I must help protect this pack. You're the future of this pack." His sky blue eyes bore into my chocolate brown eyes.
"And why would you care what happens to my pack?"
"My sister is here, so I owe your pack for taking her in during the war," he answered politely.
"Okay, but I can take care of myself."
He nodded, "I understand."
"Good. Now, I should get to know the pack that's visiting, so what's your name?" I asked, a bit more friendly.
He seemed surprised that I would ask his name, "Kayden Winters."
"Cool name." I commented with a soft smile. He didn't seem so bad. "Well, I must go." I walked away.

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