A Great Time

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"Auntie! Auntie!" The neighborhood kids went knocking on Beni's door with excitement. They were jumping up and down until the door opened. "Morning Auntie!" They greeted her.

"Oh my. Swimming trunks? Shovels and pales? A beach ball? Are you four going to the beach today?"


"Good morning, Auntie." You greeted her as well.

"Well, don't you look nice, (f/n)-chan."

"Thank you."

"I'm assuming you want Sosuke-kun, right? Hold on, I'll get him right now."

"Alright, thank you."

Beni walked upstairs to fetch Sosuke and tell him today's plans. "Sosuke-kun. Sosuke-kun, wake up." She shook him lightly.

"Huh? What is it?" Sosuke's heavy lids forbade him from waking up fully.

"The kids and (f/n)-chan would like to invite you to the beach with them today."

"(f/n)?" Was the only thing Sosuke could pick up, which was also the only thing that got him to sit up. "What does she want?" He scratched his head while trying to get seem casual and calm.

"She wants to go the beach with you. Do you have any swimming trunks? If you don't, I can let you borrow my son's. He left them behind when he moved to America."

'She wants to go the beach with me? I guess I could use some fresh air.' Sosuke couldn't help but scream for joy internally. "Huh? Oh, I have a pair of swimming trunks. Don't worry about it."

"Alright then. Get yourself together, eat some breakfast and get going. They're waiting on you."


"Yes. (f/n)-chan and the kids."

"..." Sosuke sighed and peeled the covers off his bod and went to go take a shower. After taking a quick shower he found his swimming trunks and put those on. He grabbed some shades and a beach towel to be completely ready. Before leaving the house, he ate some breakfast so he wouldn't have to worry about starving later. "I'll see you later aunt Beni." He told her before walking out the door.

"Yes. Have fun." She smiled.

"There you are. We were getting tired of waiting and was just about to leave you."

"Sorry. Good morning."

"Morning Sosuke-nii!" The kids brightly greeted him. "Let's go already!!" They started to run off towards the beach that surprisingly wasn't too far away from where they were.

"Jeez, what's with the shades?" With your hands behind your back you started to walk off behind them.

"I don't want the sun to get in my eyes." Sosuke started to walk beside you. "It's really bright and hot out."

"I guess." You shrugged.

"Uh, where's your swimsuit?" Sosuke looked you up and down.

"Eh~ Is that the only reason you came with us? To see me in my bathing suit? What a pervert~" You snickered.

"N-No, it's not like that! I was just curious since you have regular clothes on, so I-"

"Relax, I was joking." You glanced behind you to see his cheeks tinted lightly with blush. "And my swimsuit is underneath my clothes if must know."

"Oh." He awkwardly replied.

"So, how was your first day at Naoshima yesterday?" You asked him.

"It was pretty tiring. After being in the woods that whole time, I had to take an extra long shower to wash of the grass stains and dirt and mud."

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