Third Wheel

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  "(f/n), I'm not in the mood to go roller skating." The young male refused.

"Come on~" You whined. "Stop being such a loser."

"Yeah, Sosuke. Stop being such a loser." Hiro snickered at Sosuke.

In the afternoon, you and Hiro had went to Sosuke's house to get him to come along with you guys and your other friends to go roller skating. Sosuke would have done it, if it weren't for the fact that Hiro was tagging along. 'Being called a loser by him is the last thing I wanted to hear.' "I'm not a loser." Sosuke protested.

"If you aren't, then come with us. Hiro, help me out."

"Come on, man. You don't want to disappoint a pretty lady do you?"

"Look, I'm not looking to be your third wheel, alright."

"There's no way that'd happen. We've got lots of cute and hot girls here at Naoshima. Any type you want, we've got them. I'm sure me and (f/n) could fine you someone to hook up with."

"No, thank you." Sosuke still refused. "I'm not interested.

"So-su-ke~" You pieced out his name seductively.

"!" Sosuke looked your way with blushed dyed on his face. "Wha-"

"If you come roller skating with us, I'll give you free meal on the house where I work~"


"Hey, you." Hiro grabbed you by the chin. "You're only supposed to bait me with that voice and those looks."

"Eh?" You crossed your arms. "Why does it matter?"

"Because you're mine, that's why. Need I explain myself more?"

You puffed out your cheeks at him before looking back over at Sosuke. "Sosuke, will you please come with us? I'm not gonna leave until you do!"

"Alright, alright, I'll come roller skating with you. Just hold on a sec." Sosuke turned around and closed the door. "Aunt Beni, I'm going out with (f/n)."

"Again? You've been hanging out with (f/n) a lot lately. I'm starting to think you like her." She chuckled.

"N-No! That's not it!" He blushed when slipping on his shoes. "Alright, I'm leaving." Sosuke closed the door behind him as he stepped out. As soon as he looked up, he saw you locking lips with Hiro. He groaned out of annoyance, then acted as if cleared his throat.

"Oh, my bad man." Hiro glanced over at him. He placed his thumb over your bottom lip. "I couldn't resist these soft lips, y' know."

"...Can we just go?" Sosuke started walking past them.

"Sosuke, you don't know where the rink is." You stopped him in his tracks. "Why don't you let us lead the way."

Sosuke turned to look at you guys. "Fine."

"Let's go!" Hand-in-hand, you and Hiro, along with Sosuke walked down the road until you both got into a town where the sun displayed the it beautifully. "Today is so nice!"

"You got that right. Tomorrows going to bed even better, so let's do something outdoor-ish."

"Okay. Sosuke, the rink isn't too far from where we are, just a bit farther now." You notified him.

And with a few more minutes of walking, the three of you reached the rink. As you walked inside, it was practically a party in there. There were booths around the rink that many people were skating in.

"(f/n)!!" You heard your name being called out by a group of people.

"You guys!" A group of 4 girls along with the boys from the band were coming up to you."

"Hiro, I can't believe you actually got her to come!" One of the girls shrieked.

"Who the hell do you guys think I am?" Hiro rolled his eyes. "Of course I can get this girl to come with me anywhere."

"(f/n), we missed you so much!" The girls circled around you and gave you a big hug.

"I missed you guys too." You laughed.

"Hey, did you and Hiro really get back together?!" The girls eagerly awaited your answer.

"Y-yeah." You blushed.

"Yes!" The giggled. "The next round is on us for the happy couple!"

"I have no problem with that," Hiro grinned. "but don't order any for (f/n), she still doesn't like to drink that much."

"Thank you, Hiro."

"No problem, cupcake." Hiro kissed your temple.

"Oh," One of the girls eyes locked on Sosuke. "Who's this?"

"Ah, this is aunt Beni's nephew, Sosuke." You introduced him. "He's gonna be here for a while before moving back to the city."

"Wow, he's really cute." All the girls moved over to Sosuke. "Hi, Sosuke-kun." She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him along towards where they were sitting at.

"Hi." He awkwardly greeted her and the rest of the girls. Sosuke couldn't help but look back at you and Hiro.

"Looks like he'll be occupied for the rest of the day. Which means, you don't have to worry about him, and pay more attention to me."

"If you say so. Come on, let's go get our skates. Sosuke, come and let's go get our skates!" You called for the man who was surrounded by girls.

"He'll be fine, the girls have him covered. Let's go." Hiro took you by the wrist and started tugging you along.


A bit more later on, you and Hiro were out on the rink, skating around. Though Sosuke was sitting on the side with the chatty girl that were you friends, he would glance over at you and Hiro every now and then, feeling more envious the more you both laughed or hugged or rubbed noses against one another. It was irritating to watch.

"Hey, Sosuke-kun, why don't we go out on the rink?" One of the girls, that had their arm wrapped around his, shook his arm.

'They're so damn annoying together. Smug bastard is only acting that way to make me jealous.' "...Alright." Sosuke stood up. He had a look of determination on his face when gazing at the both of you. 'I'm gonna steel that bastards thunder.'

As him and the girls came back from getting and putting on their skates, they stepped out onto the rink, Sosuke being the first one. 'This is going a piece of cake. All I have to do is pull off some cool tricks like they do at those ice skating shows on t.v. and (f/n) will be looking my way instead of his in no time.' Sosuke placed one foot inside the rink, "This is going to be a piece of--Crap!!" and fell.

"Sosuke-kun?" The girls looked back at him curiously to see what had happened. "Are you alright?" They skated over to him and lent him a hand.

"I'm fine." He struggled in keeping his balance. His legs were trembling and his feet were tempting to move apart from each other in every little movement that he made. 'What the hell?! Its like they put something on the floor. It's supper slippery! And why can't I move?!'

"Can you...not skate?" They asked him.

"Well..." Sosuke looked at how everyone else was skating. 'How can they do this with such ease?'

"Why didn't you tell me you couldn't skate, Sosuke?" You made your way over to him with your hands behind your back and Hiro at your side.

"..." He didn't want to look in your direction because he knew that Hiro would be snickering at him. "So what if I can't skate?"

"So what? If that's the case, then I can teach you." You smiled.

"No, you don't--" Sosuke glanced over at Hiro and found him wearing a look of dissatisfaction on his face. "Actually," He reverted he eyes back on you. "I don't think that's such a bad idea. It's better now then never, right?"

"Ha," You chuckled, "I'm liking this new attitude. Shall we?" You held out your hand.

"(f/n), what are you doing?" Hiro interrupted.

You looked over at him. "I'm about to teach Sosuke how to skate. Why?"

"We're supposed to be spending time together right now."

"Well we're not on a date for the two of us right now so I never thought about that. But, we can definitely spend some more time together on an actual date. For now, I'm gonna skate with Sosuke."

"..." Hiro was not happy.

"Aw, don't be such a sour face." You gave a him a pout to the shoulder.

"Yeah Hiro, don't be such a sour face." Sosuke propped his elbow on your shoulder with a smirk on his face. Seeing that smirk and hearing you giggle to that, Hiro frowned and furrowed his brows even more. "Come on, (f/n). Hurry up and teach me."

"Okay." You took Sosuke by his hands and started to backwards, pulling him along slowly.

'Damn city boy. You're only gonna be with her momentarily. If you think she's ever gonna all for you, you're dead wrong. (f/n) is mine forever.'

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