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"Tatsumi! Where the hell is the tea that I asked for?" The young and handsome male's voice echoed throughout the huge bedroom. Just as the echo died down, the bedroom door opened and in came a middle aged man pushing a cart with a tea set in a tray riding on it.

"My apologies, Sosuke-sama." Tatsumi bowed deeply in his sincere apology. "I was just running a short errand for you father. Please, forgive me."

"Whatever. Just make sure that you sweeten it this time. Last time it was too bitter." Sosuke laid in his bed with his legs stretched out and his hands behind his head, relaxing as he ordered his butler around.

"Yes, Sosuke-sama."

Tatsumi began to make the requested tea of his masters son. This was the life. Being son of powerful CEO, being waited on hand and foot by your servants, people cowering at your feet, all without having to do anything but keep on looking good. Nothing could wreck this kind of life. Nothing. "Is it ready yet?"

"Yes. Sorry for the wait." He steadily handed over the cup of tea to Sosuke. "Is it to your liking?"

"Surprisingly. You can go now."

"Sosuke-sama, your father says he would like to discuss something with you. Well the, excuse me." Tatsumi bowed and wheeled the cart back out the door.

"?" Sosuke cocked a brow in confusion of what his father could possibly. If he had to guess, he would say that it might be to hand over his company down to him.


"Dad? I heard you wanted to see me?" Sosuke walked into his fathers room with a slight smug smirk on his lips. "I assume you want to talk about the company?"

"How did you know?"

"Just a hunch. If that's the case, then I can further assume you want to finally hand down your company to me?"

"You're wrong, Sosuke."

"Wrong?" His eyebrows narrowed while his brain was in a state of confusion. 'If it's not about me inheriting the company then what could he want to talk to me about?'

"Sosuke, I'm sending you away for a while."

"....What?!" His eyes grew large. You're sending me away? Why?"

"Sosuke, you've acted like a spoiled brat all your life. Going around making my servants cower before you, it's ridiculous. I blame myself for giving you what you wanted most of the time. To make up for that, I'll be sending you to a place where you can make some friends maybe get a girlfriend and get your life in check for 2 months. Naoshima Island. A nice place where me and your mother took off for our honeymoon. The beach is just wonderful."

"The country side where the really poor commoners live? Dad, are you crazy? It wont work. Friends? Girlfriend? I'm not a teenager anymore, I don't need things like those. What I need is to be the CEO of your company. Taking over is what I've been preparing for my whole life. Plus, I know no one over there."

"I made the adjustments with your great-aunt Beni. She has a nice house down there. If you're with her, you'll be in good care, trust me."

"Dad! I can't!"

"Sosuke! I won't have a narcissistic son taking over my company. So until you've straightened yourself out, I'll be keeping my company. It's for your own good. Also, I suggest you pack your bags right now, your flight will be leaving tomorrow."

"How come you're suddenly telling me a day before?"

"Because I knew you would try and find a way to make sure you stay."

"Tch." Sosuke stormed out of his fathers room and slammed the door behind him.


"Sosuke-kun! Over here! Sosuke-kun!" An elderly woman with a white sign saying Sosuke's name was calling over to him as soon as he walked out into the crowded airport."

Sosuke saw her and gave a sigh to himself. He took his suitcases with him and wheeled them over to her side. "Aunt Beni?"

"Yes dear, that's me. Welcome to Naoshima. This is your first time isn't it? Your father told me over the phone about how he wanted me to 'better your personality'. Don't you worry Sosuke-kun, you'll get used to life here so fast you won't want to go home." She giggled. "Come on, let's go home." Beni started walking away towards the exit where a taxi was waiting to take them to her house.

'This is going to be one hellish 2 months.' Within about 10 minutes Beni and Sosuke arrived at her home.

"Thank you mister taxi driver." Beni thanked him after paying him. "Well, we're here Sosuk-kun. Home sweet home."

'It's so small! Is this really where I'm going to be staying for the next 2 months?' Sosuke sized the house up and down in discomfort.

"Come on. Let me show you where you'll be staying. Afterwards, I'll take you to meet the neighbors."

"...Alright..." Sosuke reluctantly followed his aunt inside the house. There, she showed him around the house and then to his room.

"Alright, now that I've showed you your room, let's have you meet everyone. I'm sure you'll love them."

"..." Once again, reluctantly, Sosuke followed her back out the house.

"Auntie! Auntie!" A few kids ran up to Beni's side with bright grins on their face. "Do you wanna play hide and seek with us?" They asked with bright eyes.

"Sorry, Tama-chan, Rin-chan, Sayuri-chan, and Hiro-chan. I can't today. I'm showing my nephew around."

"Your nephew?" They questioned and looked over to Sosuke. "Whoa! He's tall!" Their eyes shone when the saw Sosuke.

"Uh, hi."

"Auntie! We never knew you had a nephew!" Hiro exclaimed.

"Nii-san! What's your name?" Sayuri asked.

"My name is Sosuke."

"How old are you?" Tama asked.

"I'm 22 years old."

"Eh~" They looked at one another. "Do you wanna play hide & seek with us?"


"Hey you guys! Why don't you leave him alone for now. If you need someone to play with then you can play with me."

"?" As Sosuke heard a voice calling from the distance, he looked over in it's direction and saw a pretty young girl, walking over in their direction. "!" At first he couldn't see you too well, but when he got a clear vision on you, he couldn't take his eyes off of you.

"Oh, (f/n)-chan."

"(f/n)-chan, you'll play with us?"

"Of course. You know I like playing with you guys."

"Yay! Let's go!" They started running off to their own individual hiding spots.

"I'll come find you guys shortly!"

"(f/n)-chan," Beni called you near. "This is my nephew, he'll be staying with me for 2 months." She smiled as she showed him off.

"Oh," You walked over to the both of them. "Hello there. And your name is?" You batted your eyes at him with a smile.

"S--Sosuke. Sosuke Yamazaki." He had a tint of red on his cheeks while speaking with you.

"Hello Sosuke." You held out your hand. "My name is (f/n). (f/n) (l/n)." Sosuke reached out his hand as well and shook it.

"Aunt Beni told me she had a nephew, but I thought he'd be a cute little kid, not some tall and handsome guy."

"Oh, thanks." He looked away sheepishly.

"Don't mention it."

"Oh, I just remembered that I have to get dinner started. Sosuke-kun, why don't you stay with (f/n)-chan for a while until dinner is ready. Maybe (f/n)-chan, can show you around later."


"Come on, let's play a game of hide & seek." You took hold of Sosuke's hands and started to pull him along. "It'll be fun, especially with a newbie."

"B-But I-" Sosuke couldn't stop blushing because he couldn't wrap his head around the nice feeling he was getting when you held onto his hands the way you were.

"No but's." You smiled. "You're coming and that's that."

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