“Seriously? Gran’s actually leaving me money. Mum, we don’t even get on, gran and I so why would she leave me money?”

“Ella, she’s always loved you and been a bit strange. You’re forgetting gran had the early onset diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and she still forgets Dale too but he’s accepting it. Honey, gran wouldn’t miss your wedding for the world. Which reminds me, I got a phone call from your doctor earlier, he told me the good news about your cancerous cells being decreased and also you’re starting physiotherapy tomorrow, too. He also gave a  rough estimation as to when you’ll be out by, he said 2 weeks at the most depending on how you’re dialysis goes and your walking”

“That’s good right? Which means mum, you can finally set the date of the wedding. By the way mum, can you record the whole thing for me. I mean the ceremony and the reception too. I just want to do something in case I do pass then Micky will always remember the awesome day I had. I know there’s a chance of me surviving now but it’s just in case”

“Ella, its fine. If you want it to be recorded, then we’ll record it. There’s no hassle in it. Just let Micky know the truth”

“I always do mum. Micky broke down today. He got there with the help of Dan though”

“Ella, everything’s a lot to take right now. I know there’s added pressure on you both with the wedding and the whole moving in part and the process of whether you’ll be able to have kids or not but you’ll both get there”

“I know but if I can’t have kids in the future then we’re adopting. Long process but we’ll have a child then. Mum, how did you and dad manage back in the day? I know you had problems conceiving Dale and I but how did you manage?”

“With difficulty. Your dad and I were also considering adoption because it was taking forever to conceive but just as we were about to go the adoption agency, we found out I was pregnant with you. It was a shock to us both but when I got pregnant with Dale it was a bigger shock. Of course, you didn’t always live in Windsor all your life Ella. You grew up, for two years in London. Dale’s the only one who’s always lived in Windsor. Of course, when we first moved here, we went to the beach and that’s where you met Micky. You two always played together after it since you kept whining for him afterwards. We did try to introduce you to Alex but you always wanted Micky. No one knows why or how but you always kept crying for Micky”

“Wait a second; I grew up in London for two years of my life?”


“And, I always kept whining for Micky? Ok, that is weird”

“Ella, you were a strange child. You never wanted Barbie’s, you wanted mud and trucks. No one knows why you liked mud so much but you did. Although, I’m glad you grew out that phase and turned into such a beautiful girl. By the way, your dad will be in tomorrow to talk to both you and Micky. I don’t know why or how but he is”

“Ok, the whole dad news scares me but I loved mud? I remember eating mud with Micky at aged five but that’s all I remember. We ate it because we thought it was chocolate. Thinking back on it now, why did we think it was chocolate?” My mum just giggled to herself and shrugged her shoulders.

“As I said Ella, you were a strange child. You and Micky both were. I vaguely remember you both trying to get Matty and Dale to eat mud. However, Ella, I’m sorry we let you roam the streets unaided. I’m also sorry for dumping you on several nannies and you being hit constantly from them. It’s meant to be my duty and a mum to protect my children and I didn’t even protect you both”

Together Again - District3 - Micky ParsonsWhere stories live. Discover now