Chapter 13

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They had already scheduled my first race. And did I think I was ready? No. Not at all. After that day a few nights ago, I felt as terrified and nervous as the first day I was here.

But here I was, staying late to clean this stupid piece of scrap metal.

My hand swiped the rag over the hood of my race car. I glared down at the huge hunk of metal that they called a car. I hated that thing. It was too different for me, too compact and small.

I paused washing off the car and look up at the framed pictures I had put up around my garage in the pits.

I noticed the one of my letter, the one thing that got me into this business. I smile a little at it, reminiscing in the moment when I first opened that envelope.

My eyes wander over to the one picture beside it, and my smile starts to fade. It was a picture of Aaron and I.

Aaron was looking down at me, a look of pure admiration in his eyes, while I look straight into the camera with a smile. Aaron's arm is around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. I have my hand on his chest lightly.

I can't help but think of those times. I smile a little, wishing things were as simple as then.

I shake my head, turning down to the car washing I was trying to get done. I was pretty sure that the thing was spotless. But I wasn't sure what else to do. Mr. Montgomery hasn't spoken to me much about training and preparing. He had only told me about my race, and then he left.

I back away from the car carefully, tossing he rag into my box of tools. I pick up a clean one, using it to wipe my hands off of the soapy residue and the cleaning grease I used to shine up the car.

I walk back over to the car, popping open the hood. I scan the inside quickly, before realizing that this wasn't my Celica. My heart dropped a little, being so used to opening the hood of my car and fixing up anything I can.

I slam the hood closed. I don't even hear him walk in.

"How have you been?" He asks.

I jump, whirling around with wide eyes. When I see it's just Ashton, I calm down a bit. I glare at him.

I grab the box of tools on the ground, never breaking my eye contact with Ashton, and set the box down on the counter. I begin to organize the tools, finally breaking eye contact with him.

"I've been fine," I say curtly. I tuck a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear.

I hear Ashton walk into my garage a few steps. The small sound of clanking metal lets me know that he is is pectins my work place. My jaw tenses, not liking him touching and messing with the things placed around the garage.

"You ready for the big race?" He asks, his voice sounding closer to me now. I shake to head, finishing tidying up the toolbox.

I turn around, only to find Ashton right there in front of me. My breath hitches, a gasp trapped in my throat. My eyes stare widely into his. He smirks, and I have both my hands placed behind me on the table, balancing me as I try to gain space between him and I.

My wide eyed look changes into a glare, as I shove him away from me. I push past him, walking towards the exit from the garage.

"Heck yes I am," I say to him, turning around, "so I can beat your sorry butt in a race."

I slam the door closed, and just keep walking.

Not once do I look back.

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