Chapter seventeen | We need to talk

Start from the beginning

I was shocked. Hell, shocked was an understatement at this point. Payge cared? Suddenly I wished it was her brother that had the ability to show emotion.

When I nodded my head she rolled her eyes and came over to me and sat in the chair next to me around the table.

"He's an asshole Alex, I know him, trust me but you need to fight back. I know that he hurt you before and if he did it again today that's not right. You need to fight back. He can't keep taking advantage of you," She advised me and as what she said sunk in I realized she had a point. When he held me that day in the woods I didn't get chance to agrue with him because he pulled me back here by my hair. What he did to me today? I couldn't let him get away with this.

"You're right." I let out and she nodded.

"Are you going to let him keep doing this and take advantage of you? You're his mate! You're supposed to be the last person on earth he should hurt yet he's hurting you. Don't let him keep doing this to you Alex. He thinks you're unimportant that you're not as much a person as he is you need to prove to him that you will not stand for that and you won't take his bullshit. If you want to survive here you can't be a wimp, you've got to stand the fuck up for yourself and fight back."

I was motivated right but sense kicked in, if I crossed the line again? Who knows what could happen.

"He'll hit me if I do anything again. He doesn't like talking about being mates. He told me it won't happen between us and look what he did today because I called him by his name. I didn't mean to but it happened and I apologized but he still hurt me " I explained and Payge's look was full of annoyance.

"Fuck him Alexis and fuck his rules and shit. I promise you if he hurts you again he'll have to deal with me and trust me that's a battle he can't win." Her words were sincere even though they were spoken in a harsh tone. I actually believed Payge would stand up for me if he did anything and it gave me the courage I needed to really go and talk to him but why would Payge do this for me? After all, we're not besties or close at all. We spent one evening together and that isn't enough for someone to like you and someone like Payge who's scary as hell when angry didn't look like she ever liked anyone. She was too badass for that actually but why was she willing to do this for me? I had to ask.

"Why would you do that? You hated me when I first got here and now you're willing to help me. You said it yourself, he's ruined and I can't fix him. I'll be wasting my time in the long run." Saying this out loud just popped my bubble of hope again but the determination and the angry expression on Payge's face transformed cold unreadable one and she shook her head.

"It's true. All of those things Alex but now, I want things to change. We've lived so long without any happiness at all. You don't know what it's like for us and my brother goes through so much. I love him, I really do but he's not the best person to love and he doesn't have to be that way. You being his mate can change something in him. I'm not saying that you won't fail trying to get to him but you can at least try," She passed a hand over her face and sighed and shook her head then put a smile on her face that was believeable but I knew how she felt.

I was tired of being in the dark and alone too. I didn't chose to be that way but life has a way of playing you like that. Same as what Payne and Payge went through, they didn't chose that. I had to try, in all the crappy things life has served me, Payne might just be the gift I was waiting for, just his wrapping has a lot of layers for me to get through but I had to try.

With a partial smile I nodded my head and said, "Take me to him please."

Her smile turned genuine and she got to her feet and took my hand. "Let's go."

Standing outside Payne's bedroom door, shit got real. The moment and what I was about to do was no longer a thought in a plan, it was an action I was about to take.

"I'll leave you here but I'll be in that room," She pointed to a door not too far away and I felt more comfortable knowing she was close by. She left after I nodded and I faced the door alone. Fear replaced the blood running through my veins. What the hell did I get myself into?

I raised my hand to knock and when my small knuckles came in contact with the wooden door, the three knocking sounds multiplied my heart rate by three. This was a bad idea. I'm going to die in this mission.

Calm down Alex, Payge is right next door. She'll come save you if things get bad.

I heard a loud groan coming from the other side of the door and then footsteps approaching. Shit.

There was the click of a lock moving out of place and then the door sprang open in a rush. "What do yo-Alexis?" Asked Payne as he stood by the door. His voice husky and deeper as if he was just about to go sleep and the messy wave his hair was rocking assured my theory was correct. A look of confusion on his face as he saw me standing there but I had my own things to worry about.

He was shirtless. In a pair of boxer briefs alone. His legs were thick and muscular as his chest, and his six pack was highlighted by the light from the hallway. The tattoos against his sun kissed skin stood out and I noticed that on his left pectoral there was a drawing of a dagger going into a black heart that bled out and the drops of blood turned into their own signs running down his chest.


"What are you doing here?" He growled out and before I could meet his ice cold stare, I took a deep breath and collected all my courage.

Straightening up I met his eyes with hard ones of my own and he just stared down at me with bored but confused eyes.

"We need to talk."


Chapter is complete! Ha! So many cliff hangers :p but I want to make plenty chapters so they can't be too long and I thought this was a nice way to stop this one. What happens next? Will Payne let her in and talk to her? Or will he do his signature move and just shut her out?
Next chapter you'll see! But until then vote and comment your opinions... :*

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