Ch 2. Over and Over

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Angel groans, pulling his hair. "I have to work and then there's summer scho-"

"Which ends tomorrow, "mom says with a smile, cradling her mug. "As for your job, I already called and talked it out with your boss. It's only for August so grow a backbone and stop complaining."

Dad grabs up his newspaper and mug, standing to his feet, obviously showing that this is not up for debate as mom continues trying to make the visit not sound so bad.

Back when we were about eight, we loved to go to grandpa and grandma's. I believe what changed was when we became teenagers. Most of the things we did at their farm seemed fun at the time, now we find it just a bit boring. Especially Angel, he absolutely hates the place now. Once he went all goth, nothing was the same. That's right around the time he started hanging out with a completely different crowd of friends, it's also around the time we started really fighting. I don't like going because grandma too likes to treat me as if I'm some little...girl okay. Do I have Girlie written on my forehead? Then there's grandpa, he likes Angel more, despite the goth thing. He actually thinks I'm gay. GAY! Okay I may seem like it to some, long hair, on the slender side, do my eyebrows and dress with an eye for fashion, but I'm not gay.

Uggh, I hate when people call me gay or girlie. The gay guys at school sometimes hit on me, hello I'm straight. Straight! The girls I know can vouch on that. But I keep it strictly as friends, kissing is way too much, even touching. I'm just really shy. Too shy to ever even have a girlfriend, but that doesn't make me gay. It doesn't....

XxX. (4:24)

According to mom, we'll be leaving on Tuesday. The only perk for Angel is that we'll be flying. He loves to fly, I prefer to keep my feet on the ground, the heights thing is my fear. What if something happened to the plane. I can't help but be scared when these type of things pop into my head.

Today mom wants to take us shopping for back to school stuff and a few things to wear to grandpa and grandma's, so no family time. Dad's staying behind to fix a few things around the house, which is code for watching football, it makes him look productive by simply claiming that he's gonna fix things. Plus he's not a big fan of malls.

I'm first to shower then it's his turn. Angel takes way more time in the bathroom than me. First he straightens his hair with the flat iron, then he'll probably tie it back. Next comes his make-up ritual, eyeliner and mascerra then he has to put in all his piercings.

Mom and dad hate them, but at the time he was going through the so called "rebellion stage." They of course were pissed off, he got grounded for about two years and ten months, each piercing including the tattoos he also got gave him two months. That was the best time of my life, Angel miserable. Anyway, the list of his eleven piercings: lip ring, nose stud, an industrial one in his right ear, and the cartilage of both ears, and an eyebrow ring. The six tattoos can clearly be seen, a large tribal one on his back, barb wire on both his wrists, on his stomach is another tribal, on his right forearm is some kind of fire like design and the last one is on his left arm of a skull wearing a hoodie smoking a joint.

I can't wait for him to get another piercing or tattoo. He's usually got to heal so there is no bothering me. Don't even know why he wanted to get them so much. Then he gets so damn mad that he got grounded for so long, he still can't really use the computer or talk on the phone too late.

While he's putting on all his accessories, I come into the bathroom and redo my hair. "You know mom's never gonna let you wear that." I say looking at the mesh tank.

He snaps on the collar then slips on his bracelets. "I payed for it with my own money."

"It's just the mall Angel, not a concert."

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