“Although I know that wouldn’t happen.” Isaac mumbled, annoyed.

Julian winked at him. “That is true!” he said.

“What about Hank?” Isaac asked him as he darted a look at the table that had Joan and Hank on it.

“What about him.” Julian said, not concerned.

“You said you’ll fix things with him tonight!” Isaac said in an angry tone.

“I did?” Julian asked innocently and Isaac snorted, shaking his head.

“Relax, I’ll talk to him after the fight.” Julian said seriously, taking the last sip of his juice.

“You better!” Isaac threatened, and Julian only nodded.

The Buzz that indicated the finishing time came, and men started standing up and pooling at the gate. Every man was working in union as they divided to block the guards everywhere in preparation. After all, the biggest fight of the season was due.. Right now.


Joanna couldn’t deny the speed her heart was beating right now. She stood in the circle the crowd had made especially for this occasion. Julian waked in too and stood in front of her, hands in his pockets and smirk in his face.

“You only have 7 minutes, and counting.” Uncle Sam’s voice bellowed as they both take their positions.

“is it going to be enough?” Joanna said as she rolled up her sleeve.

“Oh, I would be happy to finish you in 3, if you were concerned.” Julian said, standing still and appearing as the most relaxed person in the crowd. Joanna had to snort at his remark.

“Give me the best you’ve got!” she said as she lunched to ward him, fists balled and ready for action.

She threw her first punch that was suppose to land on his face but was threw instead in the air. Joanna turned her face to the right, eyes wide with terror as Julian struck her face with one fist while the other was still in his pocket and Joanna was sent back flying.

Damn it, he’s too fast.

The thing that gave Joanna the biggest advantage in all her previous fights were her speed. No matter how strong her opponent was, they would lose because they could never keep up with her. What terrified her now is the Julian was probably faster than her and definitely way stronger.

She stood up quickly as she saw him lunching toward her so fast that she had to jump to avoid him but once again, was too slow to dodge his strong fist that landed on her right shoulder, knocking her to the ground again. And she threw out a painful scream.

“What’s the matter Cage? In pain?” Julian said and chuckled as he looked down at her, and she struggled to jump back to avoid him hitting her again.

It was scary, Joanna never felt like this before. He was dominating this fight, and she had no strategy to get out of it.

She stood straight and took a deep breath; she had to calm down if she wanted a chance to win this. Julian must have read what she was thinking in her face because he was chuckling deviously.

She ran to him again throwing a punch but retracted it right away to trick him, but he read her move so quickly and  moved out of her way, side kicking her at her ribcage. Joanna should’ve flown away again but as her body was turning around in response of his sidekick, she bit down her pain and side kicked him, her foot striking his jaw before she stumbled and fall down. Her kick didn’t make him fall down like his did, but it was strong enough to make him go back a few steps and wince with pain.

In that split second, Joanna felt her ribs were still intact. A man as strong as Julian would have broken a few ribs with that strike. Julian wasn’t using his full strength! She thought.

She took advantage of that moment when he was still holding his jaw in pain and jumped up so fast, sending a strong fist to his abdomen, that didn’t made him fly back, but forced him into taking a few steps back.

“Being soft, aren’t you Drake?” Joanna said sarcastically as she backed a few steps away from him.

Julian looked at her, maniac in his eyes. “You have no idea!” he said, chuckling. “I guess it’s time to get serious, don’t you think.” He continued and Joanna for some reason, his statement made her scared.

He jumped in a supernatural way and threw a strong punch as he landed right in front of her. She did raise her arm to dodge it, but that didn’t stop his fist from cutting right through her face.

Argh. Shit!” she winced at the sharp pain in her lip and spat blood. Joanna knew by then that her chance in winning wasn’t looking so well right now. But she’d die before she stopped trying.

As she struggled to stand up, she saw him approaching her again, his devilish smirk never leaving his face. She gathered her courage, and the combat started again. Faster this time as she battled, throwing multiple punches at him while he dodged them easily.

The guards voices started screaming, apparently we were past our seven minutes.

“I guess it’s time to finish this little game.” Julian said, breathing fast before he throw a full, strong fist very swiftly and landed it at Joanna’s stomach, knocking all the air out of her lung, and Joanna collapsed immediately.

In second she opened her eyes, the vision was somewhat blurry, but she could see Julian back as he walked away and the crowd cheering in front of him. She wasn’t about to lose so easily.

Julian’s head turned back when he noticed the men who was cheering for him a second ago looking past him, and he saw as Joanna was standing up limbing toward him.

“I won’t lose.” She said. “I can’t lose.” She corrected. Julian almost felt sorry at her sight. She was a mess, but she would do anything to win this. She had too.

“Just give up, Cage. I don’t want to have to break your bones next.” Julian said comically, but there were a hint of seriousness in his voice.

“You don’t get it!” she bellowed at him. “It’s all I got. If I lose, then I’ve got nothing.” She said painfully, almost pleading as she continued limping toward him.

Julian shook his head, but he thought that he had no choice. So he lunched at her, for the last time now. Joanna tried to stuck him with fast punch, but all she could do was swinging her hand weakly and awkwardly which Julian dodged with his arm so easily as he grabbed her left shoulder with his right hand forcefully, drawing their bodies closer so that his head was a couple of inches away from hers.

“Sometimes, you have to give in, Blake.” Julian whispered quickly in her ear, and Joanna’s eyes widened with terrified shock at the mention of her real last name. But before she could act upon it, Julian sent one, two, three vicious blows to her stomach, knocking every single cell of air out of her being, sending her to oblivious darkness. This time, she didn’t wake up from it.

P.S. to readers:

What’s up people? I promise you I’m not a masochist, although Julian might be. LOL.

So I know this chapter is short, but I had to write about the fight because, well, I was just too excited to keep it away from you guys.

So, what did you think? Did you anticipate Julian to be this skillful or for Joanna to be this week? Please share your comments on what you thought of this story so far cuz I’d looooove to read them.

And don’t forget to vote, it helps my self-esteem to rise.

Love ya!


Prison Chic #1st book of the Chics series (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now